OK, This is what I have to say

by peacepipe 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Unclepenn1

    Tina, go ahead and compare missing children statistics from 40 years ago and compare them today. Puhleeeezze!! And yes the Bible does record horrendous acts of mans depravity. It does not support them however! There is a difference! Show me a verse that says we should put children into slavery or rape women or any of those other things. Are they in the Bible? Yes, because mankind loves darkness! Intellectual and moral.

    Busy today, I'll try to check in when I can :)


    Every human being, but especially the adult, prefers to keep on believing what he already believes, and to accept ideas only when they reinforce the ideas he already has. He tends, in other words, to become less and less intellectually curious and to have more and more of a closed mind as he grows older. - Charles Adrian

  • Unclepenn1

    Oh yea, let's not start another 'What about the slaughter of the Amalekites in the OT' I think that was already hashed out before, but if we must again, I will concede. I will need sometime to do it though, and today isn't looking too good. Anyway, just guessing your next post.


    Smile [>:(]

  • Julie

    Hi Penn--

    You said:

    :And yes the Bible does record horrendous acts of mans depravity. It does not support them however!

    This is an interesting statement. I assert otherwise.

    :There is a difference!

    Indeed there is.

    :Show me a verse that says we should put children into slavery or rape women or any of those other things.

    Okey dokey.

    Isiah 13:15-16 (Here we have Isiah revealing a "vision" of instruction from God to his people on how to treat the Babylonians) Everyone that is found will be pierced through, and everyone that is caught in the sweep will fall by the sword; and their very children will be dashed to pieces before their eyes. Their houses will be pillaged, and their own wives will be raped.

    Deuteronomy 20:11 And it must occur that if it gives a peaceful answer to you and has opened up to you, it must occur to you that all the people in it should become yours for forced labor, and they must serve you. ("all the people" is generally an all inclusive term so I am thinking the children of such a place would not be spared slavery)

    There are boatloads of examples of God-ordered atrocities, rape and slavery seeming to be some of the milder ones.

    :Are they in the Bible? Yes, because mankind loves darkness!

    Oh I don't know Penn, seems to me the bible encourages such behavior. When you have the most enlightened being in the universe saying "Go and slaughter every living thing..." or "Slaughter the men and help yoursleves to the women and children..." one cannot help but wonder just where these "dark" ideas come from that you denounce so strongly. If the bible is God's word then we get plenty of "dark" instruction from God.

    :Every human being, but especially the adult, prefers to keep on believing what he already believes, and to accept ideas only when they reinforce the ideas he already has. He tends, in other words, to become less and less intellectually curious and to have more and more of a closed mind as he grows older.

    This is an interesting quote you include here. Sadly it is mostly true, but there are a lot of folks out here breaking that and other counter-productive cycles.


  • Unclepenn1

    Julie,there were things that were done in OT timnes that we would not and could not understand. God had separated Israel because of the total depravity of man, and set them apart for His glory and to live for righteousness in the midst of chaos. There were civilizations back then that did the most deplorable things, and God said to wipe them out entirely, not even sparing the children or livestock. When I became a new Christian and read some of these things I was shocked. I knew and loved Jesus and was born again and walked in newness of life, yet would come across some of the OT stuff and just cringe. I know from experience that it is very easy to look at other cultures and time periods and get the wrong impressions. The things that happened back then, practiced by the nations that surrounded Israel were atrocious. The Cananites would take a pregnant woman who was in labor, bind her hands behind her back and tie her legs together and leave her in the desert to die of severe hemorraging and internal bleeding, no doubt killing the baby in the process, all to appease the gods they worshiped. Other cultures would heat metal till it was white hot and place their babies on it, to appease the god Molech. Some of the worst things imaginable were done and God said to destroy them all. In my thinking, and as my knowldege of God increases, I would surmise that God had even the children killed to save them from His judgemnent. Perhaps if He had spared them, they would have grown up and commited the sins of their parents and be condemned to Hell. Since God sees everything, we cannot just say this or that is wrong if we do not understand the context. Try this analogy; Imagine what a child thinks when given a shot in the arm to heal it from disease. If children could talk to one another, they would all say that doctors were the cruelest people on earth, sticking needles in kids arms just to satisfy some sick desire. Little do they know that these painful shots have saved their lives. In the same respect, I think God does things that seem cruel on the surface, yet if we could see the overall picture, we might think differently.God hates wickedness, and His judgements are just even if we cannot see the justice in them at the time.Keep in mind, this is the same God who says in the NT to love your enemies and do good to those who persecute you. Why the change? Well,if God had said that in the OT days, the other cultures would have wiped them out and taken over the world. ANyway, just my 2c.

    Mohammed- 'My teachings lead to the attainment of truth'
    Buddha- 'The truth has been revealed to me'
    Jesus- 'I am the truth'

  • Unclepenn1

    I meant if babies could talk to one another. The point being they are too young to understand what the shot is for. Ohh, I feel like a heel!


    Mohammed- 'My teachings lead to the attainment of truth'
    Buddha- 'The truth has been revealed to me'
    Jesus- 'I am the truth'

  • Julie

    Alrighty Penn--

    I gotcha. You were horrified at what is *really* in the bible and I still am. I do hope you will think twice though before you say such things as "There's nothing like that in the bible" and "God would never agree to such and such" cause I will be here to remind you otherwise.

    I do not mind people promoting their faith, but it should be done honestly. Reasonable, yes?


  • Unclepenn1

    Well, no you didn't really get me **smiles** Nowhere in the Bible does is say to rape women and make children slaves. I do believe that was the original contention. Isaish 13 is a vision, recording what Isaiah sees in a yet future battle, and no God does not give His approval of rape. The revelation is of a future battle where God's wrath is poured out on Babylon, which can also be an idiom for the world. Isiah relates in his vision the raping of women and killing of children, but it is not ordained by God. How could it be, when in the Torah God decrees that if a man is caught in the act of rape he is to be put to death.I didn't feel like taking the verses apart and explaining them in great detail, so I thought I would cover the overall reasoning behind it, at least what I believe it to be. On an other MB I spent many hours answering questions a guy had (Moses is what he called himself) and after laboring to prove a point, he would just go on to something else, dangling the proverbial carrot in front of me as it were. And I was dilligent to give him answers, but the thing was, he never wanted answers, he just wanted to debate, and when he ran out of things to gripe about, he would go back to his first argument. I see that in you a bit, just that fact that you will keep pressing the issue over a few things in scripture, and ignore the overall message, the one that says we have broken God's laws and stand in judgement of Him. I guess if you can keep a point in your mind that you cannot agree with, it helps to ease your conscience a bit about how you are not living for God. Mark Twain once said 'It's the not the things that I don't understand in the Bible that trouble me, but rather the things I do understand'.(An honest statement from a die hard atheist) I do not say this to be argumentative, and I hope you don't think I am disrespectful in my tone. I do appreciate the conversation. :)


    Every day in the United States, 68 people are injured playing golf.

  • GentlyFeral


    Julie, would you say that people are moving further from enlightenment in view of the continual moral decline we see in society?

    I'm about to leave work and go dine with friends, or I'd work out a proper screed. But in the mean time: Describe the nature of this moral decline? I'm beginning to wonder if society is not in fact becomeing more ethical. For instance, as noted elsewhere on this board yesterday, American patriotism in reaction to Black Tuesday is more nuanced and more tolerant than the patriotism of World War II. We probably won't see a replay of Executive Order 1066, for instance.

    More tomorrow, after you and I have had more time to think.

    Gently Feral

  • Tina

    penn,The please explain these(just a few ,I have lots more,I too,am on a time crunch here)

    Deut22.22(woman has to marry man who rapes her) no rape eh?
    Joel 3,8
    Judges 19,22-29(offer daughter ro be raped)
    Lev 25,44,45
    Ex21-7(abduction slavery)
    I have lots more commin,later.
    Uh how can there be reliable stats 40 yrs ago to a problem that was little recognized? You seem to miss my point to age old social/criminal probs. Example: We had domestic violence 40 yrs ago(and forever) but until it became recognized and brought to the fore ans studied,no one realized how pervasive this is. Same for child abductions. Didn't the israelites take all the young girls as spoils of war in one of the above scrips? As spoils of war,That IS abduction. god allowed this,so it was ok to do. Nowhere does it say that this was wrong or they were punished for this. remeber 2Tim? the scrip that says ALL scripture is inspired? beneficial for teaching? etc etc.You can't have it both ways.

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Julie

    Hi Penn,

    When I said "I gotcha" I meant "I understand where you are coming from". I am not out to "get" anyone. Sorry for that misunderstanding.

    :I do believe that was the original contention. Isaish 13 is a vision, recording what Isaiah sees in a yet future battle, and no God does not give His approval of rape. The revelation is of a future battle where God's wrath is poured out on Babylon, which can also be an idiom for the world. Isiah relates in his vision the raping of women and killing of children, but it is not ordained by God.

    Am I much mistaken or isn't it God's People who are to carry out God's Wrath on the Babylonians? I am thinking that if God's spokesman is relating a vison of a battle that the Iraelites are to fight, and this vision includes horrible things happening to the enemies of the Israelites, would it not be a logical conclusion it is the Israelites that will DO these horrible things? If this vision is sent by God as a sort of sneak preview, wouldn't his followers think this was expected of them? Help me out here Penn.

    :How could it be, when in the Torah God decrees that if a man is caught in the act of rape he is to be put to death.

    Again, perhaps I am mistaken but from what I have read in the bible regarding things like indentured servants/slaves etc. special treatment is given to the "brothers" (like in WT-land) but I never see such courtesies ordered for "infidels". I don't think the Israelites and their God actually considered the others human. Much like racism today where some races consider others to be sub-human. Not so far fetched really. More common than I had realized but still terrible.

    :I spent many hours answering questions a guy had (Moses is what he called himself) and after laboring to prove a point, he would just go on to something else, dangling the proverbial carrot in front of me as it were. And I was dilligent to give him answers, but the thing was, he never wanted answers, he just wanted to debate, and when he ran out of things to gripe about, he would go back to his first argument. I see that in you a bit, just that fact that you will keep pressing the issue over a few things in scripture, and ignore the overall message, the one that says we have broken God's laws and stand in judgement of Him.

    Penn, basically the "answer" you gave me was justification and doubt. You doubt God would actually order such massacres and evil acts. You go on to explain how awful the other people were which would, I am guessing, justify the acts you doubt were ordered. So I get, "no it wasn't God" and then "but it was just". Is that some kind of red herring? I am not missing the overall message but tell me if I got it wrong. To me the message is "Do as we (God and his holy people) say or suffer this horrible fate." It is a simple message, hard to miss. Also hard to reconcile with God, the most enlightened creature of all. I have no intention of dangling carrots or anything else Penn, I really strive to understand how anyone could consider the God of the OT to be loving or enlightened, much less worthy of worship.

    :I guess if you can keep a point in your mind that you cannot agree with, it helps to ease your conscience a bit about how you are not living for God.

    "living for God"??? You must be joking. I don't have a bad conscience for "not living for God". I live to contribute to the greater good. I do what I can as an individual but most importantly, I am raising my kids with the idea that we are here to contribute to the greater good and that it is our biggest responsibility. I believe this so whole-heartedly that I never know a moment of doubt.

    Penn, I do not believe the horrors in the bible are defensible. I have plenty of discussion here on some of those horrors. They are all the same. The woman who drove a tent stake through a guy's temples is "blessed among women in the tent" because her heart was filled with love of God at the time (so it's been explained to me). The annihilations, complete genocides, of others were either a.) never really ordered by God or b.) committed against such wretched people, they had it coming. The same believer here who has assured me there is no scripture condoning the equivalient of a jihaad also lamented the fact that if only the Crusaders had been able to complete their task we wouldn't have the problems we have today.

    It is my view that believers are all over the map in their opinions/beliefs but the one common thread most have is that the atrocities in the bible are just though they cannot really explain it. It is then dismissed as a Mysterious part of God's reasoning and who are we to question? If the bible is to be taken as a book of instruction I have to wonder why God would provide a book that can only make the heart of a kind person sick. Why wouldn't God provide us with some enlightenment instead of constant reminders that we need to stay in line with many grotesque examples of your fate provided should you act up?

    The bottom line to you is: "we have broken God's laws and stand in judgement of Him." To me it is puzzling that someone who is powerful enough to create the universe would create mankind for the sole purpose of worshipping him and devised horrible punishments for those who do not. Why would he need a planet of devout worshippers? Does God's ego need such stroking? Such a thing is really beyond my comprehension. I would welcome your views on this.

    Take care--

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