My JW Mothers' Words Of "Love"

by Ranchette 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Liberated

    Dear Ranchette

    I'm a disassociated mother of two daughters still in the org.

    It is the org that squeezes any "natural affection" out of the
    jw's, where parents don't talk to children and vice versa, where
    "friends" are only "friends" so long as you don't disagree with
    the org; where mothers worry that they can't pray for their own
    children who are disfellowshipped; where people have to feel guilty
    about helping or praying for others who are not jw's (and are
    therefore doomed).

    In all that has been happening, I believe the ones showing true worship are the rescue workers and the passengers who gave their
    lives for their fellow man. Jesus said that there was no greater
    love than to give your life for your brother.....

    I wanted to add that my oldest daughter recently moved back home
    and I found out that she feels guilty eating with's okay
    that I bought the food and prepared it and she can eat it, but
    just not with me. What a slap that was.


  • JT

    no problem
    i realize that many times you can't always comment on everyones response

    but you will be just fine

    in fact after awhile you will not longer feel pain or hurt, but it will be replaced BY PITY

    for you will fully understand that your mom has no idea what she is saying or why- but you do- one of the most important things you can do now since you have left is to EDUCATE yourself on HIGH CONTROL GROUPS AND THIER TECHNIQUES

    once you do that i have found and so many others that a certain type of CLOSURE COMES UPON you for then and only then does the GUILT TRIPPING have absolutley no effect

    like i stated your anger, pain and frustration with trying to get it into her "HEAD" will be replaced with PITY for her esp as she continues to age , being apart of an org that has made promises that you and i know she along with 6mill others will never see or realize
    now that is truly sad


  • JT


    do me a favor Please and i beg you please read this thread and go to the link mentioned

    out of all the things i have read this link really put things in a context i never considered as to why:




  • JT

    do me a favor Please and i beg you please read this thread and go to the link mentioned

    out of all the things i have read this link really put things in a context i never considered as to why:




  • celticgoddess

    Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for what you are going through.
    But at least your mother talks to you. I haven't heard from mine in almost a year.
    But I felt a need to reply to her comment about children delivering up their parents. It reminded me of, for one thing, Nazi Germany and the evil children who were recruited for the Nazi Youth and gave up their parents. Another thing it reminded me of is the movie, "Children of the Damned". These children also delivered their parents. Both of these instances show these kinds of children in a bad moral and ethical light. So why would anyone take these kinds of actions as a kind of bolstering attitude?

    Also, I have always wondered how she could stand by her comment about anyone's son coming home in a body bag when so many JW children end up in body bags because of the refusal for necessary medical treatment. I am not trying to be calloused here. But I can tell you that it feels horrible to lose a child for any reason. I know because my 19 year old son committed suicide and I had to watch them bring him down my stairs on a gurny in a bag and it still fills me with terror to think of the sight. But if he had been in the armed forces and at least fighting for a cause that he believed in, at least his death would not have been in vain.

    Please keep heart and know that others out here are feeling for you.
    I survived 17 years of physical abuse from my father who is in good standing with the cong. They always blamed me for his actions. Now, with much needed insight into the matter, I realize it was not me who was the culprit but the victim here. You must also remember that you have been the victim of this organization and you do not owe them any explanations or apologies for your present course of actions.

    Love and hugs to you.

  • ashitaka

    unbelievable.....this sounds like my mother in law....almost to the letter. It's amazing how some JW's tread the same mental line...even now it makes me sick to my stomach.

  • LDH1

    Ranch I should remind you, I'm having the pregnancy from hell. I'm not DFd or DAd and still my mother hasn't picked up the phone once to call me. I'm 7.5 months now, I've already made it clear to my Dad I don't want her out here when the baby is born. Why should I open myself up to criticism about how I care for a baby from someone who didn't even care enough to call me?

    You too will get to the point where you won't open yourself up for this hurt. Until then, the best thing you can do is say "I love you mom but I don't agree with you." This has worked wonders for me and my sister.


  • Ranchette

    Thanks for your comments.Your comments help others to see that this is not an isolated case.This pain and hurt happens over and over, this Religion causes divisions in families.

    Please forgive me if I left any one out.

    Thank you for the thread and link. I promise I'll read them.
    I do want to understand better.


  • thewiz

    I've been reading The link of Why Bad Beliefs Don't Die

    Very interesting, but to me it looks like a two way street. It can argue for you and it can argue for me. It can argue for and against JWs. It can argue for and against just about anything.

    Kind of like how Nostradamus' quatrains can be made to fit in with "reality."

    A person who believes in God can use the rational contained in the article, much in the same way an Atheist can. Both would have valid arguements. Both have created a safety net, but can only ONE be true?

    Since I don't have any sensory data of George Washington (I've been to Mount Vernon several times, VA. USA but I never seen George there), does that mean all the things I read in history books about him are based on belief, because we did not observe him directly? I have to take someone else's word for it.

    However, the fray deepens when talking about theoretical unlimited possibilities, due to the idea of the uncertainty principle, one being, that something only exists when it is observed. Therefore, when something is observed, at the time it is observed, leaves open an inifinte variety of universes and an infinite variety of possiblities/outcomes.

    That being the case, the moon only exists when it is being observed?
    [Einstein & Heisenberg]

    Also, if observed at the right time, a person can arrive at ones death before they are even born! Impossible his cannot be true because time is linear. [Hawking]

    God does not play dice with the Universe [Einstein]. There can ONLY be ONE reality.

    Although the article basically says (I think) that I can use previous sensory data to extrapolate a belief, it doesn't give me the same opportunity to take belief and build a sensory representation.

    Do I think too much? Am I nuts? Does anyone really care?

    Some people don't believe to this day that men walked on the moon. Because they do not have any sensory data.

    Also, many people do not want to believe that Armageddon is coming because it doesn't fit in with mode of survival. Period.

    It all depends on what a person rationalizes. Psychology is a big wide open field. Ink blots are interpreted differently by virtually everyone who tries to explain them.

    No, I think a lot of people don't believe things because they don't want to face up to something. Or they want to abdicate all responsibility. Or whatever.

    The bible doesn't require any empiracal evidence or sensory data, it is a book of faith.

  • tell all
    tell all

    abraham of the bible was a "worldly" man until GOD came to him, and GOD came to abraham because he saw that his heart was good even though he was involved in the so-called pagan ways of his community .so what does history shows us? that if you have a good heart and show love to all of the human family of the world .then GOD will forgive you, if you unattentionally make a mistake .GOD will also correct you, no matter what religion that you are associated with. he corrected abraham who was the "worldy man and not a witness of GOD until GOD himself actually came to him and that is when abraham became a witness of GOD. Did GOD come to any Jehovah's witnesses in person besides the governing body? if GOD did not come to you, then how can you call yourself a witness ? what did you actually witness besides the governing body claiming that GOD talks to them? look up the word "witness" in the dictionary . you did not "witness" anything. how do you know if, it is really GOD that talks to the governing body because SATAN comes to people acting like he is the angel or representative of GOD. The watchtower tract and bible society of ny claims that their legal organization is used by "jws", but they don't say that they are also jehovah witnesses because if they did, the U.N. wouldn't let them become a member of their political party. see file U.N. ,NGO's

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