This is a quandry to me also. Lately I have been thinking of all the different ideas of God, and have also thought of how humans are said to be made in the image of God. Well, if we pick and choose ideas or concepts of God, what about all those who have a God for every occasion, every circumstance. Our mythological gods, of Roman, Greek, Hindu, earth, animistic tradition have lots of very human qualities, from mischief, sensuality, destruction, creation, love, anger and vengence. Sometimes humans are just ornery and want people to learn from the things that happen around them-and they aren't entirely caring of what that means to others. Maybe god is just as flawed as humans. Maybe he is perfect and maybe perfection isn't always nice-maybe we are too-and have a weird way to judge perfection. Maybe I have eaten too much chocolate and am on some weird sugar/cocoa butter high. . .I am not trying to offend anyone and I don't know how much credence I would put to any of the above ideas, but if you look at even the things actually attributed to God in the Bible, he doesn't seem like that 'perfect loving benevolent' heavenly father. He seems kind of like a human with good and bad qualities, and kind of like the humans that we find that we love even when they don't always make us happy.
Maybe, to get back to the original question, he has a mean streak. I don't know. Maybe he is just seeing how things shake out-not out of mean-ness, but out of curiosity. Maybe this is some big petri dish.
I need some salt to go with the chocolate.