Will YOU be the next dead American?

by Nathan Natas 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • crossroads

    Brdgette---Here's part of what this ---------had to say

    "Congress has authority to pass a law tomorrow requiring aliens from suspect countries to leave. As far as the Constitution is concerned, aliens, which is to say non-citizens, are here at this country's pleasure. They have no constitutional right to be here."

    ALL ALIENS from what the government calls suspect countries,
    Not legal or illegal ALL of them, most of these men were here
    legally, might have needed to re--up visas but hey they would
    have if they weren't going to die.

    Of course I'm assuming what her definition of ALL is, or is that
    what is is.

  • TR

    The fact is that America can no longer have borders as free as they once were. Immigrations has to be seriously curtailed. The sad fact is that Muslims here in the U.S. that are not citizens need to be checked out carefully and deported if need be. Already many Arab students are leaving the country because of the terrorist attacks. They don't want to be targets of some idiot's revenge. But, who's fault is that? Blame Islamic terrorists.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • LDH

    Yesterday Senator Dianne Feinstein (Jewish) proposed deporting all students for 6 months. (Make that, ALL foreign students.)

    Kinda of a 'Let us get our act together. You go home for a little while while I check and see if you're a terrorist.'

    Shouldn't that ground have already been covered!?!?!


  • patio34


    Very interesting article.

    A point some seem to be missing is that it is not all aliens, but all NON-citizens who are Muslim. No citizens of the US.

    This idea seems more palatable than starting bombing and putting so many lives at risk and killing so many.

    I don't understand why reasonable alternatives inspire such vehemence. And attacking the writer's previous writings and character (ad hominen approach).

    It seems like a reasonable, workable idea that needs more exploration. At least it's a peaceable possibility.

    Thanks Nathan for posting the article.


  • crossroads

    Pat---workable you've got to be kidding.
    Is this all non-citizens or just certian ones.
    People from India that wear turbins,
    Isrealis who come from THAT part of the world,
    Ann has TWO LOOP HOLES already how many more and
    why those. The FEDS did not do their job and have pionted
    the finger there and everywhere but not HERE. These men
    were known about on many watch lists. The FEDS failed to watch them failed to share info. with other fed. agencies yes give them more power to abuse the innocent. They failed
    on airline security they knew about that too. Beware of what you
    ask for you just might get it.

    The Loyal Opposition

  • Bridgette

    I'm all for extra precautions. And deporting those here illegally and who hate Americans. But count me out of a witch hunt.
    So, where do we go from here? So, what do we do to protect ourselves? I'm as bothered by the right wing nutballs, who hate the American gov't. and want to make everyone believe like they do, as I am by a Muslim fundamentalist.
    So, what do we do?

  • patio34


    You may be right.

    The difference is that the 'right-wing nutballs' are citizens. The immigrants who come to plot against the US are not.


  • Norm

    Another right wing nutball?


  • Bridgette

    LOL!!! That is tooooo funny, Norm!! I think we may have two more "separated at birth" candidates.
    Actually, I meant no disrespect to my conservative colleagues (a lot of my friends are Republican--REALLY!)
    When I refer to right wing nutballs (and the left has it's share--nutballs are fairly well spread out) I'm thinking more along the lines of William Pierce.
    I am against anyone who wants to kill me, or overthrow my government. I do not want to discriminate nor do I want to give preferential treatment when ferreting out anyone who puts me or my family or my neighbors in danger. To some that makes me a hate monger, to others a bleeding heart liberal. "can't we all just get along?" lol

  • Seeker
    Already many Arab students are leaving the country because of the terrorist attacks. They don't want to be targets of some idiot's revenge. But, who's fault is that? Blame Islamic terrorists.

    Uh, no, blame the idiot Americans who view the world as black-and-white. It's not only Arabs the idiots have been targeting, but also Sikhs -- who are not even Muslim, but they sure do wear them towels around their heads, huh? That's good enough for me! Get the tar and feather! (Idiots...)

    To blame the terrorists for the actions of some very ignorant, prejudiced Americans is to imply that it's OK for them to act ignorant. See, it's really the terrorists fault, so you can't blame the idiots. Wrong. The terrorists did something terrible. To compound this with prejudice and ignorant hatred is also bad.

    Ignorance and hatred caused this attack on 9/11. When we act ignorant and with hatred toward innocents, we display the same emotions as the terrorists.

    The one good thing that may come out of this awful time is the way the world is striving to come together to fight terrorists. Maybe Americans will learn that: a) We are only part of a global society; and b) Just because someone doesn't look like us, it doesn't necessarily make them bad.

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