Will YOU be the next dead American?

by Nathan Natas 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Natan is definitely heading in the right direction, however I would execute a different plan.

    Someday, I don't know when, but all thinking, intelligent, reasonable human beings will awake and realize that ALL religion must be stopped at once in every corner of the earth.

    Once that is realized, true progress will finally begin along international borders.

  • Seeker
    "Jihad" means holy war, not holy crime. Osama declared war.

    Why don't we just take him at his word?

    Um, because no one else has? He's asking for a Jihad, but one hasn't yet been declared.

    Tell me what is America, that requires it to meekly accept the murder of its citizens?

    Who's asking for that? This thread is about throwing out all Muslims as if they are all guilty.

    When America is gone, who will be America then?

    Where is America going? Quit with the jingoism and talk about reality. This is a complex issue. Simple solutions will only make things worse.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Utopian, I agree with you that religion is the single greatest impediment facing mankind. How ironic that human emotional states caused the creation of humanity's worst enemy.

    LDH, given that the terrorists are instructed to go to places where they are not likely to have their anonymity invaded, and given that they are already in these places, why don't we just gently round them all up send them all HOME until we check out their credentials?

    I'm also thinking that terrorist acts by any citizen should be treated as an act of treason against the country and the penalty upon determination of guilt should be a public firing squad or public hanging. Let's celebrate some of the "diverse" "multicultural" views of justice that our noble and enlightened eastern neighbors have developed.

  • julien
    I don't know if you watched 60 Minutes II last night, but a professor from Harvard (?) was on there, she said the tool that terrorists are taking advantage of is that as Americans we don't know our neighbors anymore.

    The people in Florida living near those hijakers DID KNOW THEM. It is not hard for these scumbags to pretend to be normal citizens. This is no great mystery. It is like every time some serial killer is revealed his neighbors all say "Wow, like he was just a regular guy". If there are still terrorists in this country (everyone keeps saying there are), at some point they will kill more Americans, and their neighbors will again say "Wow they were just normal neighbors". All these people need is the order to attack someone or something. They hate you as an American, they would as soon chop your head off as shake your hand.

  • julien
    Where is America going? Quit with the jingoism and talk about reality

    Where would America be now if jets had hit the White house and Capitol? What will happen to the economy if we get another 100 billion hit from another attack? Can we survive it?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Seeker, mon frere,

    You said,

    This thread is about throwing out all Muslims as if they are all guilty.

    ...but that isn't quite right. I am suggesting that we throw out all Muslin who are not citizens of the US as if they were suspects, which they all should be considered to be.

    I'm not willing to pay for touchy-feely political correctness with my life or my neighbors' lives.




  • fodeja
    ...but that isn't quite right. I am suggesting that we throw out all Muslin who are not citizens of the US as if they were suspects, which they all should be considered to be.

    Oh, Nathan, you seem to have so many answers. I have a question. How do you know that a person is Muslim?

    Dark-coloured face? Beard? Ask them, "are you Muslim"? Suspect country of origin? Suspicious looks? Crooked nose? What if he is, say, a British citizen? A German citizen?

    I'm sure you'll come up with another brilliantly simple answer. We all need simple answers these days.


  • Norm

    I think ALL americans should go back were to where they came from.

    Then the Indians would get rid of all the terrorists that came and slaughtered them and took their land from them.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Good points, Norm from Norway & fodeja from god-knows-where,

    Oh fodeja, seeker of truth: I think a good place to start would be with Muslims coming out of their mosques. Is that simple enough? The INS (Immigration & Naturalization Service) could have vans ready to take non-citizen Muslims to federal facilities while their passage home is arranged. Then we need to expand that good work to include non-citizens from Islamic countries - we can review VISAs, university admission records, employment records, etc. and begin sending these people back to their comfy HOMES. An appeal could be made for Americans to report to the INS anyone they suspected of being a citizen of an Islamic state.

    We should try our darnedest to make sure the pilots of the planes taking them home don't just wig out and - oops! - crash the plane into Mecca on the way home. If the pilots do something terrible like that, we should write them a ticket for at least $75. Harsh acts call for harsh consequences.

    For all your facile criticism fodeja, I don't see any font of brillant ideas flowing from YOUR side of the fence. Does thinking make your brain hurt? We have a problem. Propose a solution that does not depend on the intervention of some invisible imaginary character.

    Norm, the Indians might like it if we left, but the fact is that we won the war that time and they lost. I hope we don't lose the war this time.

    Besides, if we left, who would they extract their welfare checks from? They may hate us, but they need us. Frankly, I think you world conquering Vikings are just jealous that you didn't keep the country. Too bad.

  • dubla


    nathan said:

    "Jihad" means holy war, not holy crime. Osama declared war.

    Why don't we just take him at his word?

    and you responded:

    Um, because no one else has? He's asking for a Jihad, but one hasn't yet been declared.

    i think you missed the point entirely seeker. i think what nathan was saying was actually in response to joelbear calling the terrorist act a crime rather than an "act of war". you see, if someone declares war on us, (such as osama and his people already have), and then decides to level one of our major cities, (which he/they did), this act would no doubt HAVE to then be called an act of war. it would be ridiculous to say that it is only a crime after the war against america had already been declared. it matters not if anyone else has declared war, HE already has, therefore HIS acts against us must be considered acts of warfare.

    hopefully this helps.


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