Will YOU be the next dead American?

by Nathan Natas 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • d0rkyd00d

    My thoughts on the subject. The Taliban hates us. Most of the people over in afghanistan hate us. If we attack Afghanistan, they will declare war on us. Basically, things aren't looking pretty for afghanistan.

    Everybody says this will be a different kind of war, but what kind of war will it be when everybody from a nation is armed and dangerous, and pissed at the U.S.A. Terrorism does need to be stopped. But it never will be. What to do is a good question.

    Let's hope President Bush carries us through this. I am laughing at everybody who laughed at President Bush when he was first elected, including myself, because I think he's doing a hell of a job right now, and has really kept this nation afloat and has joined us all together during this struggle. I am pleased with all of his actions.

    Best wishes to you all.

  • unclebruce


    I'll be missinging in action till Santa rides again (that's in December don't ya know) Being computerless is a bummer but at least it keeps me working and reading and drawing and stuff. The animals around here have too many rights. Spring has sprung and the birds are giving the goannas heaps at the moment, when I interfere they give me a hard time (not that I take crap from feathered pecker heads)

    Tally-ho! ;) .. yeah, if only I could get me one a them women with puffed up trousers and riding crop! (me suspects I'd then find out what animal cruelty is all about)

    best regards, unc

    PS: You'd be more than welcome here anytime, whatever happens I hope one day we'll meet.

  • Cassiline

    I really hope not. I believe the article has some value IF the author is speaking of illegal immigrants and even then I am not sure how protected we will be with quotes such as this from Bin Laden and Muslims in our country today.

    > FEB 1998 Bin Laden's statement from what he called 'the World Islamic Front for Jihad aginst the Jews and Crusaders," in which he stated IT IS the duty of all MUSLIMS to KILL U.S. citizens- civialian or military- and their allies EVERYWHERE<

    >CNN today, Unidentified Muslim woman states, that Bin Laden although slow to react to the US's influence and hold over the global oil economy and Americans spearheading a crusade aginst Islam was RIGHTOUS in his Jihad.< This woman was leaving a mosque here in America.

    These quotes scare the hell out of me. In light of the recent events a Muslim woman states these things in OUR country, yes its the land of the free and of free speech. But condoning such grivious acts aginst citizens of the US and some 80 other countrys,who had people working in the WTC in my opinion is treason period. Should she be deported YES, IMO. Should we kill Bin Laden? I'm not sure what that would accomplish I see Bin Laden as a Idea not just a man. If he is killed I think there would be hundreds of others willing to take his stance and place, perhaps even with more Vengence.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • crossroads

    I can't stand Ann Coulter, her views her looks the way she
    dresses, and her stolen Rush attituded.

    Lets see Mohammed Atta---her mastermind---Atta's father
    has said he heard from him after the Terror.
    But our government wouldn't lie;
    Oswald with the Rifle from the Book Depository
    We have no CLUE who did it and won't until 2026, 25 years
    from now.

    Another thing the bimbo said----If you get a Senator to say you
    can stay you can----Lets trust these guys with our security if
    you haven't notice there ass comes first. I know good ol' Gary
    is just a congressman but if he was Senator I'm sure he would
    let someone be deported even if that someone had pictures of
    him and whoever he was doing at the time---I know Gary would
    do the right thing don't you. How many Gary's are up there?

    If you want to deport them---deport them---in return bring our
    boys home from Arab lands. It is not OUR LAND and not OUR OIL. Oh I forgot we are back on the warpath and have more Indians to kill. Damn more people on the welfare line and soon
    to be Arab casino's---Oops Ann would be against this too.

  • Abaddon


    So, about 40,000 American's die every year because of the comparatively easy access to firearms, and if anyone says, 'let's control firearms' they are told about the Right To Bear Arms, enshrined in the holy Constitution.

    6,000 people die in an attack by criminals (you want to call scum like that soldiers?), and immediately the rights afforded in the Constitution go by the by. So, it's okay for American's to kill each other, but if any A-Rab tries to break the monopoly, well, let's deport the fucker.

    Wow! I am so amazed by the utterly well-thought-out nature of that response. NOT.

    How can you claim to have religious freedom if you deport Muslims regardless of evidence? How can you claim all are created equal when you suggest acting in a way which would deny that fact?

    The more hate there is, the more death there will be.

    Hate filled, knee-jerk reactions like this will just end up in more people dying, as moderate Islamic people all around the world will see that the fundamentalists ARE right, and the US is out to get Islam.

    Keep on rocking in the free world...


    Ann Coulter is nuts

    Didn't she say something about nuking arabs or converting them to christianity? Someone did.

    But anyway, her proposals sound like a great way to stir up more anti-americanism. Besides, her ideas are unworkable. Terrorists will just target U.S. citizens overseas. They bombed 2 U.S. embassies in Africa in 98. And whats to stop someone flying in from Mexico or Canada in a crop duster?

    It also sounds like an idea bin-Laden would like the U.S. to look into. I mean, the U.S. kicks out all the arabs. Whats the next logical step? All the arab nations kick out all U.S. citizens.

    Bin-Laden would be very happy. Maybe she is onto something.

  • Norm

    Hi Abaddon,

    Among other things you said:

    How can you claim to have religious freedom if you deport Muslims regardless of evidence? How can you claim all are created equal when you suggest acting in a way which would deny that fact?

    Keep in mind that the American nation was founded by a bunch of slave owners who wanted so much to be "free",(curtecy of George Carlin). That freedom of course didn't apply to blacks and women, so why should it apply to Muslims?


  • Julie

    I wonder if Ms. Coulter is native-American as her No Immigration attitude suggests.

    This is a free country and what makes it great is the limitless sources from which we draw our citizens. Maybe if they tighten things up and enforce the laws we have the risk could be greatly reduced.

    Take care all--

  • Seeker
    My thoughts on the subject. The Taliban hates us. Most of the people over in afghanistan hate us. If we attack Afghanistan, they will declare war on us. Basically, things aren't looking pretty for afghanistan.

    Everybody says this will be a different kind of war, but what kind of war will it be when everybody from a nation is armed and dangerous, and pissed at the U.S.A.

    I don't think the situation in Afghanistan is that simple. The Taliban are no Afghans, but outsiders with ties to Pakistan. bin Laden is Saudi. The Afghan people HATE the Taliban, but are under its thumb. Except for the resistance fighting Afghans who oppose the Taliban openly and control about 10% of the country.

    So why would all of the people of Afghanistan hate the U.S.? Seems to me most of them would look to us hopefully to help them get rid of the Taliban, just as we helped those same people get rid of the Soviets. Unless we start carpet-bombing the country, as some idiots in this country have called for, in which case I would imaging they would start to hate us.

    No, not everyone in Afghanistan hates us, no matter how much the demagogues in this country try to demonize them. How quickly we forget our allies, the country over which we stood in unity by boycotting the 1980 Olympics.

  • Bridgette

    Was Ann saying (I don't know who this Ann is) to just deport those of Arabic nationality that are here illegally? We do that to peaceful, hardworking Mexican nationals ALL THE TIME, who just want to come here and pick our crops for us, so they can buy food and clothes for their children. As far as I know, Mexican nationals (and I know MANY) have never declared or even supported a holy war on America. I have never spoken with anyone of them who had militantly ill feelings toward Americans. And have not spoken with one of them who had anything but sympathy and compassion and a feeling of loss themselves at the WTC (not only because there were many Mexican nationals in the WTC bldg), but because they feel connected with the human race and (as far as I know) as a people and religion (mainly Catholic) do not feel the need to convert/kill everyone who does not beleive as they do.
    NOW, I am NOT for the rounding up of everyone who's Muslim, Arabic, etc. and riding them out on a rail. People who want to live here peaceably, I WELCOME! But there are people who (as I understand) want to kill all Americans, and have started doing so (not just with WTC)--Am I missing something here? I want to be here tomorrow and the next day, and I want my children and grandchildren here. And I want everyone to be able to live peaceably and according to their conscience but if you're here illegally, why should you get preferential treatment over Mexican nationals? It's the law. If you want to kill me; if you're friends with someone who wants to kill me, if you have delighted and celebrated the death of those close to me, um, can I ask you to move out of my neighborhood, especially if you're not in the house next door legally?

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