Have you abandoned the hope of everlasting life?

by Fisherman 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mary
    Do you still believe or nurture in your heart "living forever in a paradise earth" and even never having to die in "this old system"?

    Unfortunately no. And this has been an extremely difficult thing for me to overcome and I know it's going to hit me hard when my parents die.

    Or do you now belive in life after death as a spirit being in heaven?

    Yes I do. There are many scriptures in both the Old and New Testament that indicates the spirit goes on when the body dies and that's what I believe happens.

  • ozziepost

    Have I abandoned the hope?

    Far from it, I actually received that hope after I left the Borg.

    When I was in the Borg, I was only as good as my last report, now I know I have ben forgiven and recievd grace. That's real hope.

    No, the dubbies are without hope in the world, and I'm so glad to have received it!

  • dmouse

    During my 'awakening' from the JW induced coma - I became deeply depressed when I realized I was actually going to die after all and there was nothing I could do about it.

    There's a faint glimmer of hope that scientists will be able to extend life significantly but as for living forever, I truly have no realistic hope.

    Even now it wrenches my guts out when I think about it. I so desperately don't want to die but I might bloody well have to.

  • Backed away
    Backed away


    When I left the DUB's, I wasn't about to trade one Fairytale of beliefs for another one. I maybe most familiar with the Bible, but whether you believe in the Jehovah version of God or the born again trinity, the bible is still filled with scary stories of death and destruction, the flood, sodom and gomorrah,tower of babel nonsense and lets not forget good Old Hell! forever in torment is still TORMENT regardless of how people want to explain it.

    I guess if God exists I just want to give it the benefit of the doubt and believe something whose love is greater than anything we could ever give our own children couldn't destroy me, you and anyone else FOREVER just because they obeyed their parents and their country of origin and and followed that belief system. you can have the needle in a haystack search for truth. just open a phonebook and look up churches to see how many are out there and thats just local. I stopped playing hide and seek for God.

    Regardless of the religion, faith is required in teachings none of us were around to witness first hand and prayers being answered isn't enough as ALL religious folks including Jehovah's Witnesses believe their prayers are answered.

    Everyone has a right to believe however they want and for me it's day to day.its funny, once I stopped believing in everlasting life, fear went with it.

    Good subject..

  • FlyingHighNow

    No, I haven't.

    I believe now that we just "get out of one car and into another" like the late, great John Lennon.

    I believe in heaven and spirit souls. I am also coming to look at the "new heavens and a new earth" promise of the scriptures. So that perhaps heaven is a place you go until the new earth is established.

    And I believe all will have opportunity to be there. Only people who flatly refuse it (the offer to live in the new heavens and earth) and/or refuse to get rid of stinkiness, such as the desire to commit genocide and the like, won't be there. (I think they'll go somewhere else and be together, without God interfering in their lives. Whoa to them. They'll be at the mercy of themselves and each other.)

    I don't believe it's necessary for you to believe in this now, in this life to take part. I don't believe God demands you accept his son as your savior, now, in this life. He knows of all the things that put doubt in our minds and hearts. He knows of the conflicting religious teachings and all the horrors committed by humans and attributed to God. He's no dummy. He loves us and wants us to live. It's not his desire to destroy people. We're his children after all. He feels like we do about our own children, only in a far more knowledgeable and superior way.

    It's man who has designed a vengeful, cruel and impossible to please god. God is aware of this.

    If we do find him now, this god of unmatchable, unstoppable love, then we are one of the few on the narrow road. Most people prefer to walk that wide road where people preach of an angry god who cannot wait to burn their a$$es in hell. God loves those people, too. He knows they'd be happier if they'd find out he really is LOVE. They'll find out on the other side. And what a pleasant suprise for most people.

    Yes, I have hope.

  • tijkmo


    i dont wanna live tomorrow

    why the hell would i wanna live forever

  • FlyingHighNow
    but whether you believe in the Jehovah version of God or the born again trinity, the bible is still filled with scary stories of death and destruction, the flood, sodom and gomorrah,tower of babel nonsense and lets not forget good Old Hell! forever in torment is still TORMENT regardless of how people want to explain it.

    Realize that the bible isn't all inspired. Men love to use God to scare and control others. If you find such stories, and they just sound like something evil people or spirits would do, then don't attribute them to God. I John 4:8 sets the matter straight: God is love. What is love? 1 Corinthians 13 tells us. Measure any biblical story against it. If it isn't loving, it's not from God.

    4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,

    5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,

    6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;

    7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    8 Love never fails...

  • wanderlustguy

    How can you really live if there is no end to it?

  • FlyingHighNow


    i dont wanna live tomorrow

    why the hell would i wanna live forever

    Tij, things will get better. They WILL. All things pass. This too shall pass. I've spent my entire life being knocked down and I always find a way to get back up. And I am always glad I did. You sound like you are suffering from depression or melancholy. Please realize there is hope. You can and will feel better. Just don't give up, stick around and you will find things will get better.

  • FlyingHighNow
    How can you really live if there is no end to it?

    This makes no sense. Just look at this way, each day you get up and you aren't depressed, you would like to accomplish certain things that day and enjoy the company of your friends and family, or maybe even some solitude. You'll take life day by day and not give a thought to sudden death, or pro-longed death coming along and plucking you away. Life without worry or fear of death is far superior to this one where we don't know when death will strike.

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