In the form of physical existence on a paradise planet, yes. In the form of energy, light or spirit, no. Hope this helps.
The funny thing is that this is something that you can get almost anybody do agree on. We all pass on, our bodies decompose and the particles that make us who we are filter back into the universe. Who can disagree on such a basic thing?
The main 'hope' that so many cultures have shared throughout time is that despite this reality of death, our personal consciousness lives on.
Last week some time I came across an interview of Richard Dawkins author of 'The God Delusion' on Charlie Rose (youtube I think). Charlie Rose asked him 'what question do you want answered more than anything else'. His repy is that he wants to understand consciousness, who we are, and what do we have inside us that makes us this way. I found it interesting that consciousness was the #1 question on his mind.
To me it seems that this search and discovery of consciousness, as well as the desire for it to continue in our personal selves gets to the heart of our spiritual journey. Who are we and where are we going. Did consciousness create consciousness or have our organic bodies developed this reality over millions of yeras.
I really don't think there are any quick and easy answers to any of these questions. Somebody said it the best when they told me 'it's not about the destination, but the person you become along the way'