Have you abandoned the hope of everlasting life?

by Fisherman 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    In the form of physical existence on a paradise planet, yes. In the form of energy, light or spirit, no. Hope this helps.

    The funny thing is that this is something that you can get almost anybody do agree on. We all pass on, our bodies decompose and the particles that make us who we are filter back into the universe. Who can disagree on such a basic thing?

    The main 'hope' that so many cultures have shared throughout time is that despite this reality of death, our personal consciousness lives on.

    Last week some time I came across an interview of Richard Dawkins author of 'The God Delusion' on Charlie Rose (youtube I think). Charlie Rose asked him 'what question do you want answered more than anything else'. His repy is that he wants to understand consciousness, who we are, and what do we have inside us that makes us this way. I found it interesting that consciousness was the #1 question on his mind.

    To me it seems that this search and discovery of consciousness, as well as the desire for it to continue in our personal selves gets to the heart of our spiritual journey. Who are we and where are we going. Did consciousness create consciousness or have our organic bodies developed this reality over millions of yeras.

    I really don't think there are any quick and easy answers to any of these questions. Somebody said it the best when they told me 'it's not about the destination, but the person you become along the way'

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    looks like I just killed this thread :(

  • parakeet

    The only thing that needs to be abandoned is illusion.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    When I almost died in the hospital I had a near death experience. I have no doubt of who I am, where I came from and where I am going.

    My best friend is in the hospital dieing (ICU), she has been on life support and they took her off two days ago. When I seen her yesterday she said;

    "My angel is here"

    "I died and went to heaven, God gave me two choices stay in heaven or come back"

    "I want to be in heaven but there are things I have to tell my children"

    She is lingering between two worlds gasping for every breath, as was I. You can rationalize it all you want, I have no doubts anymore.

    There is a physical body and there is a spiritual one.

  • moshe

    Well, it's an idea that really took off after Jesus dies- maybe the Greeks had something to do with these teachings after all. As for me , I lean more toward some sort of reincarnation of the spirit.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    My beliefs have done a complete turnaround, I no longer believe in the "Live forever in earthly paradise" idea of the JW's. But I absolutely believe that after I die, my spirit will go on, and return to this earth in another body to live a new experience. I have found peace, and happiness in what I now believe and it's a happy place to be. Ultimately we will all go there and find out, so it really doesn't matter, it's not like we can change anything, all we can change is the way we percieve it so we can live a happier and more rewarding life. My goal is to make this life the best I can, and to leave knowing I made a difference in this world, in this experience.


  • Gerard
    Have you abandoned the hope of everlasting life?

    Buddy, the day we were born we began to die. No religious hocus-pocus will ever change that, although some scientists will try.

  • proplog2

    Religion will continue until it extinguishes itself. It appears that could take some time judging by the comments in this thread.

  • penny2

    I'm reconciled to the belief that I'm going to die and will be dead permanently.


  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate
    Religion will continue until it extinguishes itself. It appears that could take some time judging by the comments in this thread.

    Religion has nothing to do with a personal experience with the Creator of Life.

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