Have you abandoned the hope of everlasting life?

by Fisherman 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • M.J.

    I agree with that sentiment, Narkissos. It is quite interesting to hear a JW condemn "material desires" of those who have a better house than they do, then in the same breath fantasize about the house they will have in the new system.

    The way the eternal reward is emphasized by the Watchtower and responded to by JWs is really a capitalistic approach to religion.

  • sspo

    Sure did !

    Whatever happens in the future I don't care anymore , i don't lose any sleep over it.

    Wait and see attitude.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Of course I did. I even find reading all of these odd little "beliefs" about an afterlife amusing and nauseating at the same time. I can't even grasp what some of you are basing your beliefs on. It's not like we are still in a mind controlling cult, at least then there's an excuse for believing in make believe. Whats the excuse now? I don't mean to sound like an ass at all, I'm just being honest. Believers just make me feel really alone in the universe because I can't understand what the hell you are all talking about.


  • BrentR

    Who would want to live forever with a bunch of self righteous hypercrits rejoicing (?) at the sudden death of billions of people?

    "The living are concious they are going to die, but the dead are concious of nothing" So what is there to be afraid of?

    I am sure that it would be a festive time just realizing how many of your family and friends just died. Including the ones you were sure would have made it. That really sounds like a real hoot!!! Sign me up!!!!

    The whole "eternal life" belief seems to be nothing more then the product of a very bad acid trip.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I know I am not going to live forever, so I am going to enjoy the life I have now to the full. As for what happens when I die, I don't worry about it anymore.

  • new boy
    new boy

    I believe we are ALL immortal spiritual creatures having a physical experience.

    We have always been and will always be.

    Its something that a loving God would never take from us.

  • under_believer
    During my 'awakening' from the JW induced coma - I became deeply depressed when I realized I was actually going to die after all and there was nothing I could do about it.

    There's a faint glimmer of hope that scientists will be able to extend life significantly but as for living forever, I truly have no realistic hope.

    Even now it wrenches my guts out when I think about it. I so desperately don't want to die but I might bloody well have to.

    dmouse, that is exactly how I feel about it. It practically destroys me every day of my life.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I think for some (not all) people the hope of something more becomes a crutch and allows for laziness with regard to fulfilling a persons dreams. As in "I'll have a better life in the New System, or Heaven, or whatever. Heaven can be right now, it's all a matter of choices and determinations. And if it comes later, so much the better.

    You know, not all major christian faiths believe in waiting until the here after to have a full life. The Anglican Via Media teaches that the earth is a good place. God made it after all according to them. We should enjoy the life we've been given as a gift, as fully as our health, mental and physical will allow.

    If we live forever, we aren't going to think about forever. If you don't have the possibility of your life being cut short hanging over you, you aren't going to think about forever. You're going to think about your dreams and the things you want to accomplish. You're going to make plans to see those things to fruition, without a care or worry. You'll simply live and enjoy living.Forever is something that only matters to finite beings.

    I don't believe death is God's plan or fault. We sure do learn from it though.

  • proplog2

    I got it all figured out.....

    IF I don't die THEN I will live forever.

    Methus'lah lived 900 years

    Methus'lah lived 900 years

    But who calls dat livin'

    When no gal will give in

    To no man whats 900 years.

    "It Ain't Necessarily So" from the George Gershwin musical Porgy and Bess

  • becca1

    I too am adopting the wait and see attitude. I intend to live a clean and honest life till I die, after that who knows?

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