Women are in subjection to their husbands and to the Elders!!!!!

by Gill 109 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Borgia

    How they apply the rue that in christ there is no difference in race, color, creed or sex. ......yeah....be submissive....a bloody shame......Any one seen the movie submission? easy tranpose....



  • Schism

    "a woman at our hall had the elders come to talk to her husband about the beatings he was giving her. Her entire chest and back would be black and blue on a regular basis. When the elders arrived, they called her on the carpet and wanted to know what she was doing to get these beatings, perhaps not respecting his "headship"?

    She was read scriptures to be in subjection."


    I'm getting my missile launcher!!!!!!!!!!!

  • free2beme

    You know, "rule of thumb" comes from the law that a man could beat his wife with a stick, as long as it was no thicker in diameter then his thumb. Perhaps the Witnesses mentality is similar.

  • JWdaughter

    I think the reference to angels was taken-rather broadly!- from 1 cor 11:10 " 10 For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head."

    I can't think offhannd where they got the idea that women are subject to elders if they don't have a husband. Of course, they have a LOT of ideas that don't 'correspond' to anything thats actually in the bible. It seems to me as if the elders made decisions about 'policy' but I don't see how anyone was supposed to be personally in subjection to the elders of the Christian cong. OTOH, if anyone 'older' than I, and with more experience as a person of my faith were to point out something scripturally that I wasn't aware of, I wouldn't take it amiss, but I would still not then be in subjection to them-but would take what they had to say in light of the scripture. One of my big questions about the bible/church has to do with some of the comments about women. I generalizations about women or men that are more or less complimentary. Many of these things are cultural attitudes and misogyny. That the Bible, which is supposed to be the 'word of god' supports such misogyny raises huge questions. Men, uninspired, could come up with some of that stuff-but the God who created all of us? Of course, I now question everything, and am annoying. Guess once I took the scarf off my head and opened my mouth, I was done for. I find that seeking out 'proofs' in the Bible becomes more and more ridiculous the more I try to make them correspond to other 'truths'. No wonder many think that some people that are religious are crazy. I think it is a short trip to crazy if one takes it all terribly seriously.

  • Confession

    JWDaughter, you and I've come to some of the same conclusions. And thanks for the scripture reference.

    I suppose it's true that JWs have always taught that everyone in the congregation should be "submissive to those taking the lead." This has applied to both men and women, but this recent WT reference, specifically isolating women in this regard (to me) seems gratuitous.

  • Gill

    The previous article, 'Husbands recognise Christs Headship!' Had me laughing out loud.

    The whole article is basically about keeping your wife/possession under control!

    How about this!

    'A husband may need to point out in a kind manner why some adjustment is needed if her dress or use of jewelry or cosmetics begins to stray from the modest pattern recommended in the Scriptures.!'

    A brave husband indeed!

    And how about this?

    'If there is a fault that needs attention, (meaning with the little woman), husbands should not necessarily expect that their sincere efforts to correct it will meet with immeadiate success.'

    I think that the FDS is beginning to meddle in its slaves marriages. For this, they will cause a hell of a lot of trouble for both women and men who are their foolish slaves!

  • Confession
    'A husband may need to point out in a kind manner why some adjustment is needed if her dress or use of jewelry or cosmetics begins to stray from the modest pattern recommended in the Scriptures.!'

    Hoo boy! One day, just before my company picnic, I got out of the shower and noticed a new dress hanging near my former wife's bedside. I'd never seen it before; it was a lovely shade of green. I said, "Wow, is that what you're wearing?" I was obviously misunderstood.

    Hell has nothing on what transpired that day.

  • Gill

    Oh Confession! Though I'm laughing at your 'experience' I do commiserate! We women are terribly and I mean terribly insecure and sensitive about our appearance. Therefore, you got the over reaction.

    Just imagine all those 'little Hitlers' in the congregation who read this article and take it upon themselves to 'counsel' their wives!

    I would love to be a fly on the wall of a thousand bedrooms that day. Some men with severly burst eardrums, making their own dinners and sleeping on the couch I suspect!!!!!

  • Confession

    Oh that it were as simple as making my own dinner and sleeping on the couch--or as enjoyable as a burst eardrum would have been. Instead it was unadulterated rage, that (believe me) nothing could quell. I'll hit the fine points...

    -Maniacal screeching, profanity and loud accusations of my infidelity heard throughout our neighborhood. (The infidelity was NOT true, and I still don't know where that came from.)

    -Smashed flower vases, etc.

    -Me, shivering like a girl behind the bedroom door.

    -Wild drunkenness that took her away from our home all night.

    -A call to the police, which she (curiously) made--and that resulted in her being ordered by the officer to leave our daughter with me and not to return until after sundown.

    All in all, it's a splendid memory.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Isn't this a little one - way?

    'A husband may need to point out in a kind manner why some adjustment is needed if her dress or use of jewelry or cosmetics begins to stray from the modest pattern recommended in the Scriptures.

    'If there is a fault that needs attention, (meaning with the little woman), husbands should not necessarily expect that their sincere efforts to correct it will meet with immeadiate success.'

    How about if the wife sees something wrong with the husbands behaviour/dress/personal habits? I know plenty of jw wives who have tried to correct their husbands, and vice versa, with varying degrees of success, and more than a few rows. It seems to me that the wts are trying to make the org even more male - dominated than it already is with crap like this.

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