Nosferatu's School of Dating - Lesson 2.1 - The Approach

by Nosferatu 40 Replies latest social relationships

  • Nosferatu
    but putdowns are not a way to build rapport with me.

    The "put downs" are not for creating rapport, they're only to get an emotional response and to get the woman thinking about him, even if it's not giving her any positive feelings. It's about two things:

    1) Isolating the woman from the group
    2) Getting her to think about you

    Also, neither of the things that I mentioned were put downs. I never called the woman a bitch, I didn't call her a twit, I didn't say she was ugly, I said to point out her attempts to get your attention. If you think that's a put down, you'll be more offended if I introduce neg-hits. Right now, I'm going easy on her just to keep things simple for the guys who may be trying to learn this stuff.

    I haven't even started on rapport.

  • GentlyFeral

    As a happily-married, not-str8, middle-aged woman, I can actually envision circumstances in which this method might work on me.

    Keep the conversation pleasant, light-hearted, and even fun.
    Now come on. Who could possibly object to this?

    The actual seduction does NOT happen on the initial approach. It begins once you build up some good rapport between the two of you.
    I think some of you who found this lesson "icky" might have skipped over this....

    The best way to get into the group of people where your target is located is to approach the least attractive person(s) in the group, and work your way up.
    The way Nosferatu puts it, it sounds crass; but done right, that is, sincerely, it establishes your bona fides as a real human being. You're not pouncing on The Hot Chick; you're having fun sharing brain candy and making new friends all over the place. Of course, the most effective way to "make" some one believe this is to believe it yourself!

    For example, say "Wow, don't you just want to be the center of attention!" or "Hey, wait your turn!". Treat her like she's the LEAST desireable in the group until you're done working the rest of the group.
    Yes, this could be very off-putting if mishandled. If I were Nosferatu's "type," he would have lost me at this point. It could be done much more gently; just by displaying a reluctance to be interrupted while talking to that fascinating "Ugly Betty." (Who just might, you know, be the most attractive woman there once she opens her mouth.)

    It takes confidence, bravery, social skills, and many other things to pick up a woman in real life.
    Those "many other things" include an attractive personality; while you're being charming and irresistible, you have to make it plain at once and all the time that you like treating people right.

    gently feral

  • J-ex-W
    Focus on getting your legs to move in the direction of the woman instead of what you're going to say...Remember, you'll be more upset if you fail to approach than if you approach and get rejected.

    Okay, this part is good for the timid guy who has yet to approach the woman.

    Continue to move up in the group ladder in order of attractiveness. For example, you begin talking to the men, then the women you find unattractive, and then your target....When working your group, try to ignore your target until you've made "friends" with the rest of the group.

    If she tries to get your attention, call her on it. For example, say "Wow, don't you just want to be the center of attention!" or "Hey, wait your turn!". Treat her like she's the LEAST desireable in the group

    until you're done working the rest of the group. This is where neg-hits come in handy, but I'll get into those later since they're not completely necessary and are easy to screw up.

    IMHO, this part is bad for the timid guy who has yet to approach the woman.

    Here the advice goesbeyond his getting courage up to deal on equal ground with her (and therefore, to feel equal to the task of approaching her). Here it crosses over into him making her feel on LESS equal ground with him (lesser than him). [Him: "It's not your turn till I say it's your turn...I don't want're not worthy of my notice till I SAY you're worthy of my notice. ...Okay--now you're worthy of my notice."] This is where it first crosses into negative game-playing. It attempts to create a one-up, one-down dynamic from the get-go. NOT GOOD!!!

    This kind of thing can be just gentle, good-natured ribbing once a genuine rapport is already established, but used prematurely--and especially as part of a 'game plan' to hook someone in--it smacks of alpha-dog dominance tactics. [red flag: potential abuser, quite frankly] Not smart for a guy to try to OVERcompensate in how he deals with a female. [She's most desirable; he needs to make her feel least desirable---NO.]

    What Nosferatu is encouraging here is producing a fake version of a 'nice guy'--someone who genuinely is outgoing and personable enough to approach a table, chat with whomever's there, show genuine interest in them as individual people, and also considers others around him enough to NOT ZERO IN on one person immediately. That's it.

    The neg-hits, and pushing her aside if she tries join conversation, are TOTALLY unnecessary (and even damaging). It is also likely to backfire, especially with women who are accustomed to being the target and already know this game. If it smells like a game, it will be a TURN OFF.

    Better to focus on creating equal, level ground interaction than to try to 'tilt' the ground to support a one-up, one-down dynamic.

    Or perhaps Nosferatu needs to emphasize the playful spirit necessary to motivate and successfully carry off such an approach, for such an approach not to offend. And here, again, it would have to be a genuine playfulness. That's my objection to most of this, I guess-----the total lack of (or what seems like total lack) of regard for just being g-e-n-u-i-n-e.

  • Elsewhere
    the three second rule. After you see a woman, you count to three, and then start walking toward her.

    I think you got that wrong.... the Three Second rule requires one to open a set within three seconds of seeing her/them. Any longer and the women's "weirdo" detector will start to go off.

  • Elsewhere
    BIG MISTAKE!!! This is alpha-dog-establishing-dominance behavior, not relationship-building behavior. Game playing to the damaging hilt. If all you want is a one-night stand and you don't care how you affect the other person, then sure...this advice works. Guys-----I HOPE you don't want that!!! Nosferatu, this part ceases to be entertaining...and is, instead, darkly enlightening.... Not a fun time anymore.

    Bottom line is this: The things he is teaching WORK. I have also learned (the hard way) that women don't give a rats ass about how much they hurt men.

    Women have many preprogrammed instincts and responses... what Nos is describing will use those instincts and responses to the man's advantage.

    Many women are used to being pursued and the one with the upper hand... we are changing things so that the men now have the upper hand. If you don't like it, you can simply not go out with men who do these things. You would be amazed at how many women do respond positively.

  • Xena
    god you're uptight, Xena. sheesh, have some fun; you're drinking like a beached fish to lower your inhibitions anyway, think how low your inhibitions will go with a roofie. And if you don't wanna be a target, tape up your matching bullseyes ferchrisake.

    ~swoon~ stop making me want you, ya sweet talker you.

  • SixofNine

    :hi fives Nos:

    As Borat would say, :very niize:

  • Xena

    ...and they lived happily ever after....until she realized he was just messing with her head and was really just a guy reading tips off the internet to get chicks.

    You suck sixo.

  • Abaddon

    I never developed a routine, apart from a short but infamous phase where I would walk into a club and (without realising it) start trying to chat-up the cutest gay girl in the building. On one occasion I also tried to chat-up HER girlfriend too (not at the same time, more switching from one to the other in the others absense) not realising they were an item until they started getting off (and no, it wasn't a ruse, I knew them outside the club and that they were Bi, but not that they were a couple (well, that month they were)). I'm not talking Motorcycle Mommas, I'm talking about Tank-Girl meets Elf in big boots... still works for me.

    Another time I spent the entire evening chatting up another Tank-Girl meets Elf in big boots (this time a straight one), someone I actually knew from Uni', and she and her wing'man' ended up back at my place, and somehow I ended up sleeping with the wing'man'. Neither of them minded (LOL) and we all ended up afterwards in bed having a smoke. Girls are weird. Good. But weird.

    Rather than developing a routine I just eventually gained the ability to tell when a woman found ME attractive. I used to be clueless. Of course, is was more-or-less at the point I became monogamous so it's not much use, just something that gives me a smile now and then when I get the vibes; excessively jolly, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, physical, head-tossing, random favourable personal comments, gaze everted but attention focused... a hell of a lot to fit in by the coffee machine...

    Of course, attraction is just nice and doesn;'t neccesarily mean that much or indicate a desire for anything.

    The real banker is when you get stared at like you are chocolate.

    But, yeah, girls run in packs and have their routines too, and are just as ruthless in their own sweet way

  • LittleToe


    It's funny how many women have given this "creepy stranger" the time of day. Why do you think that is?

    Maybe it's the kind of bars you frequent

    Sorry darlin, but now I feel strangely attracted to Six!

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