In Memorandum

by RichieRich 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bryan


  • AuldSoul

    Again, I can't seem to read this forum without tearing up in a Public Library ... Wow, Richie. Just ... WOW!

    You articulated what I have yet to do for myself. Thanks. I am in your debt.

  • J-ex-W

    (((((((((((((((((( Richie Rich )))))))))))))))))))

    ...Good for you for letting it all out--and giving yourself permission to see what you deserve and do NOT deserve through all of this!! My heart goes out to you.... Know you are not alone. I'm sorry for you going through this, even as I'm sorry for me being the mom cut off by JW sons. You deserve your own life and to be happy. And real. You deserve love that is real. We're here for you.

  • calico


    Your mother sounds like she would be abusive with or without the "truth"---it's not your fault if your mother can't be a loving mom. Who the hell throws a book at a five year-old! Jeeze!

    Love, Calico

  • candidlynuts

    hugs richie.

    your a good man, you'll go far in life under your own steam and i'm proud of you!

  • kid-A


    Again, another brilliantly articulated and gut-wrenching post that perfectly encapsulates the damage this cult does to family relationships.

    You prove again your wisdom beyond your years and remarkable talents that tragically, your mom refuses to see outside the confines of

    a forced membership in a publishing corporation masquerading as a religion. Unlike so many that would have caved under the pressure, you have

    emerged stronger, more powerful and wiser after your are headed for great things in life.

  • V
    At my wedding, I'll replace your presence with a single flower. Something of the roadside variety, more than likely.


    Just keep making a success of your life. You are loved here ((())).

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    Very well written. I can really relate. I'm going through a very similar thing with my mother. I'm really sorry.


  • Snoozy

    Hey Richie...think of it this way..It made a better man out of you...
    It prepared you to stand on your own two legs...something more kids need to do.(without the abuse)

    Try to put away the acts of cruelty behind you and remember how controling and cruel the organization has taught it's followers to be..she will regret following them towards the end of her life and dying a lonely and regretful person.

    Now that I am out..I regret so much the pain as a JW I caused my parents. I really thought I was right.Now that I am out I can feel the pain they must have felt when I rejected them.At least I got to spend a few years with them after I left the religion..Just remember she is in a cult..I know you probably don't agree at this stage but if I was you I would send her a postcard once in a while just to share how you are doing.Just as a son. I'm sure she still loves you and wants to hear from you..even tho she can't admit it.

    She has given her life to the JW religion and now she probably can't face the fact that they are wrong.She gave up too much of her life for it.It doesn't sound like she doesn't love you...someday she will realize how much she lost...for nothing.

    Hugs for what you've gone through..remember she is your Mom and I'm sure she loves you as much as the JW religion will allow her or spite of ...the JW religion...she is just brainwashed.Remember they teach them to 'Spare the rod".


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Richie,

    I am sorry. Just now read your words---difficult for me as I only earlier today "gave up" my friend Schizo. Cannot give the real details. But he runs the lives of those close to him. Impossible to reason with. Might as well be the GB---same effect. Your painful story has come at a crossroads for me; it will help me move forward and heal.
    Wow---are you ever eloquent!

    Peace and love,


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