Richie..I am so sorry your Mother was more abusive than I realized. I didn't know your Father was still in your life..that's a good thing. But did he allow your Mom to treat you badly or was he absent?
I had a lot of resentment towards my Mother as I too had a different kind of abuse..but as the years went along..I realized my Father was just as guilty for allowing my Mom to be the way she was with us.
Then later in my life(with counseling) I let the anger go. Don't really know what happened ..the anger was just gone.I think as I got older..and saw the different kinds of sickness in people..I was able to admit she was mentally Ill and could not help herself. She even had shock treatments but they only helped for a little while.The thought of how she must have felt just broke my heart..I wondered if there was ever a time when she was truly happy.Then I felt so sad for her.
Maybe mental abuse is easier to forgive then physical? I don't know.
Big hugs to you..
Snoozy..who thinks you are one brave guy for someone so young.When the anger starts to diminish..then you will know you are on the road to recovery..they always say "Hate what the person does to you..not the person.".It makes you feel better ...really...