In Memorandum

by RichieRich 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyizit

    Your Mom sounds like a woman who is not well. She is probably emotionally bankrupt, and truth be known, so exhausted that she doesn't even know how to feel anything. The WTS is not a very loving organization. Sure, they like people to think they are. But they aren't REALLY. Years of being involved and feeling trapped has had to take its toll.

    You can't choose for her. But you can choose to be a loving and kind person, no matter how she behaves. You have to consider that she is probably getting "the business" from all her loving WTS friends.

    Speaking as someone from the outside of the WTS, I am very turned off by the fact that they expect parents to deny their own children, in order to prove allegiance to a man-made organization. That's enough proof for me that God has nothing to do with the WTS.

    Shame on them.

  • becca1

    WoW! I really feel for you. Your mother was abusive and twisted. Have you had any therapy to deal with your feelings? Putting things in writting has a cleansing and healing effect, but you may need more. Don't hesitate to get help if you need it((((())))))

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Wow! This has got to be one of the most powerful post's I've read on this board. And there have been lots of very powerful posts here. I'm sorry for what you are going through with your Mom.

  • JWdaughter

    Richie, ((((Richie)))), my son is your age and your note made me cry. Even though he drives me nuts, I know how much I love and value him, and I see that you did not have anything like that with your mom. It makes me so sad for you. And her, because when I read that note, I see how you were willing to do anything to please her(almost) and she was unable to appreciate what a gift it is. Love is a gift, and THAT is what you will tell your wife, your children and yourself. Fully appreciating people for who and what they actually are-rather than what you want them to be-thats a gift for both of you. When you are figuring out who you really are and the things that give you joy and fun and excitement-she will be wondering why its so hard to iron a dress-and that is sad-because the growth that you should be having now is so exciting and wonderful-watching your children find out who they are and what they love and what they will become-its the reward for the years of hard work raising them. And she is missing out on the light in your eyes as you tell her what you learn. And the sparkle that she would see when you first told her of the new girlfriend-the one that will someday be your wife. And the fireworks going off when you learn of your first child to be born-and watching you hold that new baby. She will miss out. I think she is being really stupid. I have no more eloquent way to put it.

    When you find an adoptive mom (and you probably will) she will get all the goodies, and your mom will be left holding the bag-of watchtowers and awakes. Not a good thing! Go forth, be happy! She can't and won't. But that is her decision.

  • JWdaughter

    Richie, another thing-you are a very eloquent young man. Are you thinking of a career with words? You might find success in that field. I enjoy reading your posts.

    Shelly ((((Richie)))) I still can't believe what your mom has done. Yikes, she sounds evil.

  • Snoozy

    You should read Richie's history.Especially what he had to go through when he left the JW religion... All I can say is he is one amazing person!

    And he is very interesting to read..I totally agree with you..he should be a writer..


  • jeanniebeanz

    I am truly speechless, Richie.

  • outoftheorg?

    I have found that anyone that consistently brings hurt and anger into my life, for whatever reasons is not worthy of my company.

    A counselor told me to read what the dictIonary says about the word DETATCH..

    It read like this= to remove, disconnect, separate, disengage, disjoin, withdraw, abstract, separate, disunite, unconcerned.

    You have actually detached from two entities, your mother and her mental illness and a cult.


  • Dino

    Damn Richie, your eloquently written words shook me harder than a British au pair! I dont think Dylan Thomas could have summed up your experience better.

    I've got to be 30 years older than you, but have endured the same kind of abuse at the hands of my "God fearing" mother.

    Even when I was in short pants, I always used to wonder why my family life was so fu%*ed up if this was God's only chosen channel. Since I left, my mother will not have anything to do with me. My mother would tell me when I was little that she would kill me in my bed if she thought for an instant that I would ever "leave Jehovah". Thank God I left in my 40's. These things have a way of working out in life as I dont think that I (or my loved ones that have come out) should be around her anyway.

    I empathise with your pain and wish you all the best.

    May you find great success in life. The world is your palette and you will have the advantage of not having to rear children the same way you were raised.

    Much love to you and please keep us posted!


  • Abandoned


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