In Memorandum

by RichieRich 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Richie, I have tears streaming down my face now too. Oh baby boy, you never deserved any of this. This is why you are like my little brother, my snotty, full-of-attitude baby brother, but I truly understand why now. You've had to grow up about 15 years ago, wayyyyyyyyyy before your time.

    To me, this hits a very personal chord, because it's about an illusion of a relationship that we thought was real. I do believe my mother is good at heart, but severely brainwashed. You are not so fortunate as to believe that.

    I agree that cutting ties with extremely unhealthy relationships is the best thing for us. It just hurts so much because our natural desire is for something different and better with these women, our mothers.

    Lots of love, Richie, I'm very proud of you and I am feeling pain for you right now - my heart goes out to you.

    Most sincerely, your big sister in Wisconsin.

    ~Good Girl/Bad Girl

  • VanillaMocha73

    I just have to say that for a person to stay in the WT and be gung ho like your mom, my ex husband, and like my mom used to be, they have to be abusive. They are being abused. A normal person does not stay in this situation. My mom abused me, although I don't think she meant to. Yes, she hit me, spanked me, berated me, and I went through those hours of studies, the 100+ hours in FS, etc. My ex beat me and spent our entire life together berating and abusing me. I think this organization and abuse/abusers go together. Amazingly, after they df'd me, my mom started on her way out. She is not quite there, but she is an entirely different person. There is hope. *hugs.

  • Pistoff

    My mom attends, but she does not shun df'd ones of her family, and she doesn't bug me anymore about meetings.
    We do a lot for her and with her; she is older.
    I am sorry it had to be this way for you Richie; you are brave, strong and getting stronger.
    Hang in there; you got it figured out.

  • wednesday


    that was such a painful read. You are among all the other things you do well, a gifted writer. You really described how you felt, enough for me to get in your skin and feel it.

    One thing I can say

    sounds like your father was missing

    Sounds like your mother used you for an "emotional confidante." It happens a lot, if a husband and wife are not close, the wife will often seek this closeness from her son.

    It is always hard to leave home and I'm so sorry it happened this way for you. I wish it would have been a send off to college.

    sounds like you are doing well, staying near dad.

  • hillbilly


    ~Uncle Hill

  • pratt1

    Richie, you are truly wise beyond your years.

    I do know how you feel, I went through a simliar expereince with my Mom years ago.

    It took us years to reconcile and now we have guarded, but honest relationship.

    Who knows what the future will bring for you, your mom or your dad.

    With time both of you may feel differently and at that point you can develop a relationship thats built on mutual respect for each others belief.

    As many other posters have mentioned, I am sure you have a bright future ahead of you.

    Go Get It!

  • LeslieV

    I have to agree with everyone here that your words were very moving. You have exibited courage and strength to be able to go on with life with what you experienced as a young child. One thing I am sure from reading your post...You will NEVER treat your children in this manner. It is one leason your mother taught you. Good Luck in all that you do. You are a good person.


  • Oroborus21

    hang in there Dude! Looks like you are on the path to healing...


    ps: do you mean "In Memoriam"?

  • slimboyfat

    Some people follow the Witness rules when it is convenient: others follow them even when it is really hard.

    The simple fact that your mum follows the Watchtower rules does not in itself reveal the depth of her feelings for you, since her lack of contact could be accounted for because she loves you and sincerely believes the Watchtower stance of no contact is the best thing for you to "bring you to your senses".


  • sandy

    I'm so sorry for the pain you are going through. I hope that time will move your mother to see her mistakes and give you the apology you deserve.

    Best Wishes to you Richie.

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