The literature does not direct anyone's behavior, beliefs or attitudes, especially mine.
The Bible does that. The literature is just the means of the worldwide congregation
overseers', i.e. the governing body, to communicate with the whole congregation of
6.5 million plus. But they do not direct anyone's behavior, beliefs or attitudes,
anymore than the local elders do. And I have not had any problems with anyone
directing me on such things, so where you you get that objection?
That is your fundamental mistake. You are directed by the Watchtower Society, not by the Bible or God. When the GB says to believe the pyramids, worship Jesus, that a generation will end in one lifetime all the JWs said yes. When they contradict each teaching all the JWs said yes. No concern is shown for what the Bible really dictates. Any JW that dared question, not the bible, but the GB gets disfellowshipped, and then JWs mindlessly shun them.
The "New Testament" is based upon the "old", so to understand the new, one must understand the old.
Exactly, but the GB since Rutherford places more emphasis on the old than the new. Russell said never to be known as anything more that Christ-ians, in line with what the NT explained to be the correct way to believe.