So little knowledge

by grissom6471 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Too funny - we haven't had any decent trolls around here for a while. Time will tell as to whether or not he's a "decent" one

    Edited to add:
    Just looked through his posting history - nope, he's not even half a decent one. After posting here for over a year he's still too thick to get it

  • grissom6471

    "So many people here and so little knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses. There are still people here associating Jehovah's Witnesses with the Watchtower Society when that is not the case." ---------------------------------- YOu said: you have got to be joking. * just where do you get all your publications from? * just where do you get all your beliefs from? * just where do you think the elders get all their talk outlines from? ------------------------------------------ I reply: Where do we get our software from? Microsoft? Are we Microsoftites? The Watchtower Society is a printing company, nothing more. The beliefs are from the Bible. What difference does it make where the outlines and materials come from, evaluate the material on its own. That is what I do. --------------------------------------------------------- You said: "If you only knew where to get real knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses, which is never on a forum." "Oh we learned alright. We learned at the kingdom halls. We learned at home. We devoted our lives to living what we later discovered was a lie. It almost killed some of us. And many of us know someone who did die because of it." No, Jehovah's Witnesses is not a lie. I know of some who were killed in a car accident in field service,but that is life, anyone can miss a stop sign. Grow up and deal with that. Every problem is not a problem from religion. But your problems, you created. 
  • RAF

    interesting ... I mean :

  • grissom6471

     I stated: "There are still people here associating Jehovah's Witnesses with the Watchtower Society when that is not the case." --------------------------- Scully replied: How is it not the case, exactly? The Watchtower Society prints the literature that Jehovah's Witnesses distribute. The Watchtower Society prints the literature that Jehovah's Witnesses use to direct their behaviour, their beliefs and their attitudes. -------------------------------------- Ok, so the Watchtower Society prints literature. I can print literature too. Big deal. But there is other ways other than literature. Literature is just something for people to read on their own time or help material. What about the spoken word. I listen to many audio of talks and those are not Watchtower literature. The literature does not direct anyone's behavior, beliefs or attitudes, especially mine. The Bible does that. The literature is just the means of the worldwide congregation overseers', i.e. the governing body, to communicate with the whole congregation of 6.5 million plus. But they do not direct anyone's behavior, beliefs or attitudes, anymore than the local elders do. And I have not had any problems with anyone directing me on such things, so where you you get that objection? ---------------------------------- Scully said: "The Watchtower Society is the corporation that collects money that Jehovah's Witnesses donate to the World Wide Education Work." -------------------------------------------- My reply: And the local congregations collect money for their local use. So what? People donate to the world wide work. I have no problem with that. So neither should anyone else. ----------------------- Skully said: When someone is baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, the second statement - which the candidate must answer in the affirmative - requires that the candidate acknowledge that this act of submitting to baptism identifies them as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization . ( Watchtower , June 1, 1985, p. 30, Watchtower , January 15, 1989, p. 13) ----------------------------------------- I reply: Look in the CDROM and look up the term "Watchtower organization". It appears only once and that is a quote from an opposer. The Watchtower Society is not Jehovah's spirit directed organization. It is a printing company used by Jehovah's spirit directed organization. -------------------------------- Skully said: Just because the Watchtower Society instructs Jehovah's Witnesses to not identify themselves as representatives of the Watchtower Society, does not mean that there is not an association between them. --------------------------------------- I reply Where do you get your information from? Not reality. The WTS does not instruct that. They never instructed me and that is what counts. Do you get that point? What matters to me is what happens to me, not the WTS. Thus I am not a representative of the WTS because I am not. --------------------------------------------------- Skully said: Could you kindly elaborate what you mean when you say that it is inaccurate to claim an association between Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Society, because the evidence, Mr. Grissom, says that the association is a very strong one. -------------------------------------------- I reply: Don't you people get it. There is much more to Jehovah's Witnesses than the literature. That is only a small part of who we are. There are talks at the meetings and assemblies, which some will say originate with the WTS, but people should evaluate them on their own. But no one seems open minded enough to do. 
  • hillary_step


    Grissom is intellectual small fry judging from his feeble little utterings.

    We have not had a real JW apologist here since the days of Bobby King, you remember - the one who despised apostates but was eventually disfellowshipped for Scholar was a one subject apologist, ThirdWitness just here to declare.


  • zack

    Brother Grissom:

    You do the WTS cause an injustice. You are not even a versed apologist. Are you an elder? MS? A disfellowshipped sinner perhaps who feels the need to defend the WTS because you can't go back to the congregation but feel it is the only hope of salvation? Is that the trap you are in? Let go of it, Brother Grissom. The WTS, The Christian Congregation of JW's, call it what you will----- it's a house of cards, a fantasy, a collection of victims being led by victims. Get of her, Brother Grissom. For your own sake.

  • grissom6471

     "Dear Grissom.. I beg to differ with you! I was raised in the organization, and am not unfamiliar with its teachings, as most here can also say. What makes you think that we have no JW knowledge? It was my life. I would challenge you on any subject!! I am neither disfellowshipped nor disassociated. I am a lover of truth, I am moral, I am faithful, and I am a lover of Jehovah God and his son Christ Jesus! I think that to lump everyone in the same catagory is typical narrow minded JW thinking! Sincerely, Lady Liberty" What makes me think you have no JW knowledge? Because you all focus too much on the people and the "this person did this and that person did that" stuff. JW knowledge is about Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. Also you have no knowledge because I don't agree with you. Sure, challenge me on any subject because the problem is that people are make conclusions without getting the proper information. But the fact that you disagree with me shows that you are not well tuned to JW teachings as the ones on the anti-witness forums are so obviously are ignorant of. I learn from JW groups and sites where there is proper teachings, not improper and ignorant ones like here. 
  • truth.ceeker

    I agree LittleToe, some people don't want to 'get it' while some just can't 'get it'. ..truth.ceeker..

  • AuldSoul


    You will find my reply here:

    Grissom, will you stand by your words?


    BTW: How's the weather on the border of Bama and Georgia? I told you I saw you at the District Convention, didn't I? I won't tell anyone. I've known for a long time and haven't breathed a word.

    I would, however, like an answer to my post.

  • grissom6471

    jw factless said: "Stop wasting everyones time with foolish word play. People are here because they came to realise that associating with the Watchtower Society has nothing to do with being a Witness of Jehovah. If you are a "Jehovah's witness" that is not part of the Watchtower Society then what is your issue? More importantly, if you believe the Bible, why do you have your head firmly buried in the Old Testament. Did not Jesus say Acts 1:8 “YOU will be witnesses of me (Jesus) both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de´a and Sa·mar´i·a and to the most distant part of the earth.”" I reply: You do not understand the difference between Isaiah 43 YOU are my witnesses,” is the utterance of Jehovah" and Jesus' statement. That is why you people lack understanding. The difference is very simple. The "New Testament" is based upon the "old", so to understand the new, one must understand the old. 

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