Junction Guy, do all the things you didn't do before, and try things that never occured to you before. Find the things that make you smile without thinking, eat food that tastes good, swing (hmm-just meant the kind in a playground, but whatever works for you, I guess). Be kind to those who are less fortunate. You will figure out where/how you fit into this world. You will meet people that enjoy your company and your style, and find those who you enjoy being with. Forget about the JW crap if you can, other than to learn from the mistakes. Move on. Eat chocolate, drink beer, watch sports, burp. If you like something, don't question where it fits into your idea of who you are, JUST DO IT. Your idea of who you are is evolving, and you need to give it room. Some things you will like, some you won't. I thought chocolate martinis were a good idea. YUK. So I learned. Stupid example, but just an example. Trying it didn't kill me, and I learned something from it. Sounded like a good idea, reality-not so good. Oh well, it was a seven buck mistake. Step out of your comfort zone, don't jump into what you think you want. Explore to find out what it really is. You are YOUNG, all your parts will be working good for a long time. Relax, don't rush, enjoy, smell the flowers. Really, its important.
How bossy I am! I have been learning this lesson for a long time, and the older I get, the more it matters. Be true to JG. If you aren't, no one else will be.