The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.- Allan Chalmers
BA- 'Bout sums it up for me.
by gumby 152 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.- Allan Chalmers
BA- 'Bout sums it up for me.
Incidently gumby, JWD provides me with info, documents, resources, etc. If you think I just sit and READ them and do nothing else with, you are mistaken. How about we share door to door territory one of these weekends, brother? You up for it? I'll show you my bookbag. Yours is most likely filled with terroristic pamphlets and litterature. Mine? Mine is stocked with JESUS CANO'S MUG and conviction, Kerry's blood eassay, silentlambs support, news articles of CHILD ABUSE IN [YOUR] organization, that you WENT BACK TO.. How many childrens books do you offer the unsuspecting householder?
Skally, did you even bother to read ANY of my comments? I clearly pointed out I do not share in the door to door work by selling Watchtower literature of any kind. said your bookbag is filled with Jesus stuff eh? I got news for you bro....your Jesus is as big a murderer as the Watchtower society my don't go bragging on what type of shit your bookbag is filled with. If I remember correctly, Jesus is going to kill everyone on earth who doesn't confess him as the christ, eat and drink his blood, become his bride, be born again, and to believe he is the only way to the father on his narrow road that leads to life with the broad and spacious road that the majority of mankind is on whom Jesus is going to slaughter just like he did in the O.T. when he was known as Jehovah(Lord, Elohim, whatever). Yeah, your Jesus is much kinder than the Watchtower Skally so you go ahead and bang on doors so you can warn people they better straighten their asses up and repent before he comes again and kicks their asses for not listening to him. Talk about calling the kettle black, your pathetic.
Not much point going off on one another. We pay our money and take our choice, in life.
Besides, you wont find "Jesus Cano" in the OT or NT
Incidently gumby, JWD provides me with info, documents, resources, etc. If you think I just sit and READ them and do nothing else with, you are mistaken. How about we share door to door territory one of these weekends, brother? You up for it? I'll show you my bookbag. Yours is most likely filled with terroristic pamphlets and litterature. Mine? Mine is stocked with JESUS CANO'S MUG and conviction, Kerry's blood eassay, silentlambs support, news articles of CHILD ABUSE IN [YOUR] organization, that you WENT BACK TO.. How many childrens books do you offer the unsuspecting householder?
I'd say it's time to get your meds switched there sKally. Good lord...........
Is a mentally retarded person "happy" not knowing that he's retarded? If he finds out that he is "retarded" after all, will this sadden him?
How about we share door to door territory one of these weekends, brother? You up for it? I'll show you my bookbag.
Please say it ain't so! I can't see myself going from door to door advising people to avoid people who go from door to door.
Christ gumby, not THAT Jesus. LOL!!! Nice try though.
THIS Jesus...CANO:
Whatever get my point. If your going to slam the witnesses for being bloodguilty, you might as well fill your bookbag with christian literature also and warn people that the bible Jesus is coming soon to kill every non-Jesus believer on earth. Skally, you know damn good and well what I think about the witnesses since you and I are old timers here on JWD, so why you act as though I'm promoting dubism is what's pissing me off. I hate the cult as badly as do you and I have posted against them for nearly 6 years now on this forum as everyone knows. I'll tell you one chances of bringing ones out of this cult are greater than yours with your pamphlets, signs, protests, and whatever else it is you do to warn people to stay away from the dubs. I don't need a bookbag filled with silentlambs propaganda to tell people about the dubs as I have been exposing them (besides here on JWD) verbally to others for 13 years. Since I have got re-instated I've been able to open doors that I could not open before to witnesses regarding their beliefs and I intend to keep on doing it until they kick my ass out again.
*kicks LT in the nutsack*
At the end of the movie Vanilla Sky, Tom Cruise's character is given a choice between an eternal lucid dream where everything is as he wants it for his eternal happiness
or he can wake up from the dream and live a real life. His choice? " I don't want to dream anymore. I want to live a real life."
The JW carrot was a dream, a fantasy. I am MUCH happier living a real life. I still have my faith, though. Religion and faith are not the same.
I'm happy to know the truth about the truth and grateful to you all who came before me and spoke up. Thank you Gumby, et al.
As for the future----- let's just say I feel lucky!
I believe in the afterlife and metaphysical dimensions. So, the 'spiritual' component is covered. Maybe my problem is that i haven't started many new activities that i enjoy doing, yet. I refuse to fill the emptiness w new fantasies
Satanus, How do you know there is an afterlife and metaphysical dimension? If it is not a fantasy?