Thanks for this, it explains what I thought had been something only I had experienced.
The main time this happened to me I was studying with JW's in 1982 and was under alot of stress at the time making changes to conform ,even imagining voices in my head swearing foul language as I went with my family to Kingdom Hall meetings. Imagining the demons were harrassing me, because of my study conductor telling me so, the stress was exteme, then one night going to bed I suddenly felt huge pressure on my chest and could'nt breath and nearly blacked out. Then I called to Jehovah to protect me as I thought it was demon attack ,and I was released .
But this was pivotal in me becoming a JW as I had'nt completely accepted god as yet but now I did as I thought he had fought off the demons for me ,so now I thought I had been accepted by god so I gave my whole life over for 20+ years on the basis of this mis understanding!
I had a lifetime of weird experiences and now because of this post I now am now going to explore more about this mental phenomena and it may lead me to explanations of other events that I had put down to demons !
I've been seeing shrinks for years and none had suggested any of this as explanations ,they just looked at me weird - shit I despise doctors.
That Wikipaedia article fitted my experiences ,and that artists picture did it for me ,just what i imagined happened.
I have lived a fearful life as long as I can remember and if this is what is going on with me my shrink is going to get a talking to for I've told him of my experiences and he gave the usual shrink dumb non commital look.