Mrs. McDucket, I bet the meds you are on are disturbing your sleep patterns. Which increases your chance of hanging in that dreaded phase between sleep and wakefulness.
I think you've done a public service by explaining that sleep paralysis really happens. I think it was a National Geographic article that twigged me on to this phenomenon. I found out that the brain knows no difference between dream state and reality, and all it's commands to run and fly (that we freely do in dream state) we would really do, unless we are paralysed.
avidbiblereader, I can assure you that you have an active dream life, only that you are completely unaware of it. Like another poster has said, people who never dream swiftly begin hallucinating during the day. One can only go a couple days without dreaming. You likely have a beautifully undisturbed wake pattern that leaves all those dreams safely tucked in your subconscious.