It seem to be another case of the WT having backed itself into a corner over a teaching. For years they had been saying any who were "anointed" after 1935 were "replacements" for those that had "fallen away".
But in recent years numbers of the "anointed" have been increasing, last year they increased by 234. Did this mean that many of the "anointed" had "fallen away" if it did it didn't say much about them having been chosen by Jehovah, seems he made a lot of bad choses.
As this could not be so, the only other reason is that there is no specific date for when the "heavenly hope" ends.
Another interest point the article raises is that "anointed Christians" :
Do not "demand special attention"
Do not believe being "anointed" gives them special "insight" beyond what even members of the great crowd may have.
Do not have more holy spirit than the other sheep have.
Nor do they expect special treatment or it places them above Elders in congregation. (I wonder what members of the Governing Body would say about that?)
Interestingly if they now say that being of the "anointed" doesn't give them "special insight" anymore than the great crowd or that they have no more holy spirit than the other sheep.
Is this going to open the way for those of the "other sheep" to be allowed to be members of the Governing Body?
Is this all part of some plan to change things in the heirarchy?
Did the heavenly calling cease in 1935? Not anymore!
by AnnOMaly 288 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The part in the article about the annointed not having any special insight, does it include the GB? Since the FDS includes all " annointed" xtians on earth including the GB, seems to me that the special channel of communication is in question now because now any member can have the same or more insight. If not by HS, then it is by intellect or education unless the article means that God uses His HS on whoever he wants whether annointed or OS.
But what I think is important to realize is that ANY MEMBER, not just exclusively the GB, not just exclusively the FDS, can have the correct insight whether the GB or the FDS likes it or not. This induces the problem of who has the correct insight. It also seems to seperate God's annointed from insight.
The article implies that some JW's have more insight than others but such is not determined by calling status in the kingdom arrangement, the problem then is, who is right when there is a difference of opinion on insight and what special jw can make that determination? Such a dilema did not exist in Bible times(according to what the Bible states) when God communicated with special individuals qualifying them and inspiring them with SPECIAL information. ABe, Moses, the Judges, the Kings, the prophets, Jesus, Paul,..., were special in communication, knowledge, insight in comparison with others that God did not use.
I think, as it was posted previously that the purpose of the 1935 article is to justify previously selcted younger high ranking officials and to pave the way for younger smarter jws to supplant and step over the expected next in line old time "annointed" jw individual that logically would seem to be more qualified because after all he is one of the FDS by wts definition that had the apst and present job of dispensing food at the proper time, so it makes sense that such a person that will rule in heaven should occupy Apostle like positions, but now with this clever wt article it can be justified to reject a long time annoined and select a more desirable and smarter and more "spiritual" younger OS who can now all of a sudden decalre to be one of the annointed.
Thank you Ann for this great post!
(Matthew 25:1-30) We are intrigued! What meaning do those parables have for us today? We will take up this question in the following article.
Thanks for posting that . I will have to look at the greatest man book and see if that's in there as stated. So they assume that just because jesus spoke of the FDS then goes on about the talents that he is still talking about the FDS . The WTBTS I know believes all christians in the first century were anointed but the way they ran things was by listening to the apostles and actually prophesying for themselves in the congregations . That parable could easily just be talking about the anointed in general , each one receives a talent (holy spirit?) and each one is accountable for the preaching conversion work thus adding to Gods bank account of believers. The treasure in heaven that jesus talked about.
Narkissos wrote:
I don't know why I singled Lösch... I have no other information about it, but hopefully others may have.
I've mentioned this in a couple of other places, but Tony Morris (old friend of my dad's) has been partaking since the late 70's.
Without wishing to drag this thread out , I do feel that there is strong evidence of division in the Writing committee and (presumably) the GB over this issue. The QFR contradicts the April 1st 2007 WT (which speaks about the "diminishing number of anointed") , the new Memorial April 2nd 2007outline with its renewed emphasis on ensuring that all in the audience are aware that they shouldn't partake and the new revised Revelation book which has several references to 1935 and the ending of the choosing of anointed ones egC hap. 19 p. 117 Sealing the Israel of God ***The general selection of the true Israel of God proceeded from the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. down to 1935 when, at a historic convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Washington, D.C., emphasis was shifted to the ingathering of a great crowd with earthly life prospects (Revelation 7:9)
It is notable that on several recent occasions , the London Bethel have had to stop WT print runs following urgent phone calls from Brooklyn because of changes in a couple of sentences - on one occasion having to pulp hundreds of thousands of printed Watchtowers - something unheard of in the past. (Some Bethelites have stashed away the original Watchtowers - look for them on Ebay shortly!) There is clearly a strong doctrinal debate going on behind the scenes.
There is clearly a strong doctrinal debate going on behind the scenes.
Since when did God communicate with his exclusive channel via debate You don't need to be anointed to debate!
Theological debate is great - the way it should be - but not if the conclusion reached becomes "God's Word"
survival = salvation
With the Watchtower (Adventist) doctrine of "soul sleep" dieing is not a desired option. No Witness wants to die before Armageddon and be non existent for who knows how long. Can you imagine how many would accept they were of the other sheep if the Watchtower said the New System is 5000 years away and they will be non existent until then.
It is possible that JWs who are not convinced the end is just about here will be more attracted to being of heavenly class, with its prospect of an instant resurrection.
Apologies if this has already been shown.
Watchtower 1970 15th June, Questions from Readers
'' Does this mean that, since about 1935, those already resurrected to heaven together with the spirit-begotten remnant yet on earth have made the full number of 144,000? Yes, that is the conclusion to which the evidence points. The general call for such ones has ceased to go out.''
Thomas Covenant
As someone who never beleived the 1935 doors closed doctrine, and actively opposed it within my congregation, i beleive this is a good result.
The doctrine never should have been there in the first place.
After being disfellowshipped for a number of years, i may even dare to tread back inside the hall because of this shift, how many others may follow i have no idea.
Most on this thread will think i am mad, but each to his own.