In reading thru this thread it appears to me that Merry is still looking, questioning and seeking. She hasn't shut down any questions but has been open to them...hence she is continuing to push past her limits.
Merry Becomes A Muslim (a bit long)
by Merry Magdalene 147 Replies latest jw experiences
WAC:I know you can do better than that. Why don't you try entering into discussion instead of blowing it off with a sarcastic one-liner...
Kerj:Aren't we all on the pathway of life, which takes many twists and turns? For some that means exploring various religions from the inside and out.
The moment we stagnate we might as well be dead, IMHO, for that is not how life evolves and acts.
Merry Magdalene
Thanks, Xena. Question everything! that's my motto And it certainly is an interesting thread, but I can't take credit for that.
Yeah I read the links, it's nothing I hadn't read before though.
If the brand of Islam that Merry were supporting were encouraging paedophilia then you'd have a point, but as it is your comments seem misplaced. Should I reject all Christian denominations because the Catholic church has had its problems (which it appears to be seeking to address)? It would be a very black and white approach to life, much akin to the attitude we learnt from the WTS!
It's not the same as rejecting a faith because of what one denomination got wrong though - I'm talking about what the FOUNDER of the faith did, and disagreeing with what the FOUNDER did. -
As an educated moden woman, how do you integrate your understanding of natural processes of the female body (like menstration) with Qur'anic et. al. dictats on this?
Allah obviously made women to bleed. We know this is nothing fearful or dirty. Yet women cannot "participarte in he performance of prayers" whilst menstrating. This is about as logical as a command from god as men not being able to pray whilst undergoing spermatogenesis, yet given the very frequent fear of menstration in primative cultures such as Islam stemmed from (and Judaism too) it is all to logical that a man might think this.
And female Imams; if women are equal, why don't we them?
Isn't it all a but 'all are equal but some are less equal than others' double-speak?
Very interesting to read you past experiences. I find it especially interesting you were interested in paganism and Wicca, both of which seem at poles to your current beliefs.
Do you feel you were less certain in the past (about the validity of your former beliefs) and are more certain now? Or do you feel the certainty you feel now is the same as the certainty you felt in the past? Do you preclude feeling yet more certain about different beliefs in the future? If so why?
Kerj:Aren't we all on the pathway of life, which takes many twists and turns? For some that means exploring various religions from the inside and out
I guess to me exploring and becoming are two different things! Becoming would mean an acceptence of belief and a following of set belief system, that is were I think she is limiting herself!
Merry are you still searching other religions while you are a Muslim?
hi merry! i must say, well done on the social front. as mentioned, it must take a lot (of ... ?) to become a muslim, being the person you are (white/idaho) and where you are coming from (xianity). it must have been a real psychological turn-over for you. congrats for making it this far. i too maintain a look and belief system that gets me unrequired attention from normies. some people have a hard time understanding radical psychological change in an individual, of course. in my case it's secular, but the social aspects of it have become obvious. you must be a strong individual. it's nice to see!
as far as islam, and God (gods), abraham and the koran etc. is concerned; well you probably know exactly what i think already, so we'll just leave it there.
use the force,
I did not have a similar 'experience' in becoming a Muslim, although I have had some 'incidents' since then. I remain more detached from them now. I don't take them and run with them, so to speak. I wish I could speak more clearly on this. It's a little difficult to find the words. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I find that if I keep these things to myself or limit conversation to those who feel the same way I do, it becomes easier to lapse into laziness and even dishonesty with myself. Although I guess that can also be a danger when feeling constantly on the defense. I feel like this thread is striking a nice balance and I appreciate that.
No, I have no further questions. You have answered my question as best you can with honesty and dignity and I thank you for that.
I wish you well in the path you have chosen.
Kind regards - HS
I stand further corrected.
Age of consent was raised from 10 to 12 in the USA from: 1876 = 131 years ago.
Age of consent was finally raised to 16 in California from: 1897 = 110 years ago.
Suffrage, whereby women were finally allowed to vote, was: 1947 = 60 years ago.
The latter date is in the lifetime of quite a number of members of this Board. No doubt the Midle East will eventually catch up, but in the grand scheme of things they aren't all that many years behind the West in social ethics.
The age of consent in Canada is 14, with plans to increase it to 16 with clauses for near age relationships. Mexico is 12 and Japan 13. Current Worldwide laws are as follows:
Tis just a thought, for those who arbitarily see various countries as being barbaric (some think the reverse).
He's been dead for nearly 1400 years, but only lived to the mores of his time period. Judging him by modern day standards is ridiculous. The chances are that you don't have to go too far back in your own family tree to find someone who married an under 16 year old. Do I need to condemn you the way that you are condemning others?Kerj:Unless you want to wander off at all tangents, it pays to concentrate on one thing at a time, doncha think?