I knew of a girl who allowed a male friend to sleep overnight and clearly had no sexual anything with him but because
she refused to "admit" her sin, she was df'd. Years later after not being able to talk to her JW family, she "repented" and
falsely admitted to her sin and got reinstated.
My opinion only. The girl was not telling you everything, Min.
It doesn't have the 'ring of truth' to it. What she is not saying is one of these:
a) the guy told someone that something DID happen.
b) the actual charge was not fornication, but something else.
c) that regardless of the charges or evidence, she was DF'ed for lying or not cooperating with the JC.
d) that she decided to skip an appeal because of something she had done or said.
I could be wrong, but a committee should not go after someone unless there is an accuser.
The accuser would be an innocent spouse or the other party involved. It would be overstepping their
bounds to accuse a single person of this just because they were in the same home (or even same
room) overnight. If everybody denies the accusation, and there isn't a damaged spouse, there is no
reason to do this.
My main concern on the case I was involved with, was that WTS has become such a legalistic organization.
I can think legalistically, and JC training has done that. They really would need to be careful in this case.