Do keep in mind that many times the elders are FORCED to handle things a certain way per the Society.
My feeling is that the elders are under the same spell as the rank-and-file. I would blame the
organization in most cases where the elders are faithful dubbies. Of course, there are many
elders who are not so faithful- they are despicable for passing judgement on others.
There are also faithful dubbie elders who see the improper handling of matters that is demanded
of them. While I blame the organization, and I understand that these people would have been
"Screwed Over" no matter which elders were involved, I still say continual cooperation with
improper judicial procedure is shameful. Most elders don't feel that things are handled improperly.
I fully agree, in my freedom-of-mind state, that rank-and-file should do their best to hide damaging
evidence from the JC. A person should never confess to them. Nobody deserves shunning by
family, because of drinking, having sex, disagreement with WTS, and the like. If a person is trying
to avoid the DF, they should feel free to fake repentance or withhold information. I say this because
men who do truly represent "the truth" do not deserve THE TRUTH.
I type on JWD as a form of personal therapy. Min, this thread has been very helpful.