by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Last night we bought some Halloween candy and some lights for the front porch. We bought eyeballs, ghosts and spiders to string on the railing. I'll have to dig out my scary sounds CD for tomorrow! Lots of sounds of chains, howling, moans, banging, and spooky music! If the kids are still brave enough to come to the door after hearing that - the scary masks just might get them! Muuuhhhhaaaaa



    CoCo wrote:

    Chilled to the bone and shakin' in my boots!

    Yikes, didn’t mean to scare ya! Mwa-ha-ha-ha!!!

    Bumble Bee wrote:

    I'll pick the rest of my Dhalias

    Mr. Estee and I have Dhalias, too. Jumbo ones and mini ones. All colours. One of Mr Estee’s favorites, aside from roses.While Mr Estee usually has taken the bulbs in for the winter, we are thinking about leaving the Dhalias outside this year. Whad'ya think?

    Summer wrote:

    Monday is book study day for me. . . . I must tell my study conductor that this is not getting me anywhere. . . . I still have to find the right approach.

    Take a deep breath and know you will find just the perfect way to leave the dubs. You may surprise yourself! In the meantime, hugs to you.


    Some days, you are the pigeon:-) Some days you are the statue:-(

    ROFL at your metaphor!!!

    Restrangled wrote:

    unnerved with husband out of town)......

    Mr Estee is away today, too. Gone to visit his uncle who is 84 and getting ready to leave the planet. Aunty died last year and Uncle is missin’ her bad. Bittersweet. I’m doin’ Halloween all by myself --- giving out the treats. My scary pumpkin is outside the front door already, and Mr. Estee put out some witches before he left. Mwa-ha-ha-ha!!!

    Last time Mr Estee was away I broke my wrist. This time I'll be more careful.

    Troubled mind wrote:

    two photography shoots

    Now there’s a fun job!!!

    Wishing you all a happy Halloween full of little ghosties and goblins.

    Love to all


  • *summer*


    Thank you for your kind words...



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    A Good Day to All!

    Thanks, ESTEE and *summer*, for your comments; it's always great to see you here!

    Off and running - almost ...



  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    While Mr Estee usually has taken the bulbs in for the winter, we are thinking about leaving the Dhalias outside this year. Whad'ya think?

    I guess it would depend on if the ground freezes where you are or not, you might beable to leave them in by mulching them really really well. I have to take them out here, otherwise the tubers turn to mush . I grew these from seed this year, and while they took a bit to catch on early this summer, they certainly caught up! They will be even bigger next year.

    Took my doggie in for her cancer check up. Sad news, her one cancer has grown back in the last two weeks since her last appointment. We were told at first that this one probably wouldn't be an issue in the time she has left, but it's proven to be very aggressive. So, now we're not sure what to do next.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear BB,

    Sorry about poochie! I hope he isn't suffering a great deal - certainly you and Mr. B are. Please keep us posted. Thanks for info on dahlias. Had them years ago - they thrived on the leach line!

    I'm converting to a new operating system plus highspeed over the next several days, with help from a technician. Hope I'm not down too long during the changeover ...

    Have a good day, all! See you when I see you.


  • minu

    Hi All:

    It's been over a week since I posted. Alot has been going on. First off, the Historical Foundation Gala/Jitterbug contest was fun. Me and Hubby had a great time and are actually planning to take dance lessons. I haven't signed up for any yet but we will. I ran into several people I hadn't seen for ages and got to connect again. We've been invited to a baptist church and are thinking about visiting it soon.

    Friday I took the day off work to prepare for my annual halloween party. Cleaned and decorated and bought last minute groceries for the party. Picked up my SIL for that day and she helped out with the chores. Saturday was the big party, had lots of fun and nearly everyone dressed up. The highlight of this whole event was my aunt and uncle that came with their two boys. They have completed the JW fade and they wanted to come to the party. Not only did they come, they all dressed up too!

    Sunday came down with a stomach sickness...yuck! Someone who came to our party gave us the stomach virus and I'm finally back at work. I took off Monday, Tuesday and 1/2 day yesterday from work. Finally was able to get anti-nausea meds from my doc and they've helped today although my appetite is not completely back yet. Just trying to take it light.'s been a rough 7 days and it's not over yet! Thank goodness I'm young.......


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    (((Bumble Bee))) sorry to hear about your dog. The cancer sounds to be very aggressive, I'm sure though that your pet will let you know when she's ready to go.

    What's this we hear? CoCo's gonna try speed - oh, sorry you were talking about internet Just given me a great idea for a fluffy game thread though - we could play 'Chinese whispers'! When I switched to high speed, it the connection took about a week to settle down, it might be better if you're on cable rather than a telephone landline though. See you when you get back!

    (((minu))) hope you're back at 100% very soon - those short tummy bugs are sometimes the worst because they drain all your energy at once - make sure you get plenty of fluids.

    I've been feeling brighter the last couple of days, probably because I've managed to complete lots of small, irritating jobs. It's been a colourful day today too. We haven't had a proper autumn (fall!) for a couple of years - the leaves on the trees would turn and drop within days. This year they're taking their time - beautiful combinations of green, yellow,orange and reds - I love it! Then this evening I watched the clouds change colour as the sun set - they started off grey (!) then as the sun caught them, they changed through yellow, orange, red and mauve - until the sun was finally gone.

    May we all have colourful days to cheer us every so often

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good Morning, Friends!

    Great hearing from you, Minu ... keep dancing! Come see us again soon ...

    Thanks, Emo, for the recommendation; cable costs three to four times more where I live. The AT&T land line will permit HSI hookup and telephone conversations simultaneously sans the need for a dedicated line, i.e., same line, different frequencies.

    The official changeover is scheduled for 8:00 - in about six hours. I'm excited as my new laptop has sound, so I can watch SSOTWT, YouTube, musical programs, etc., without the infuriating stop/go action of dialup. This will help me keep up with my music students whose study pieces can be seen and heard on YT.

    We'll see if it works!

    A good day to all,

    CoCo New Fangled

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    Post # 500! Thank you for sharing your comings and goings with all of us ...



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