First Date Etiquette

by Crumpet 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Rabbit


    It sounds like you had a good experience with a first date. It also sounds like she was complimenting you and now you may be having difficulty accepting that appreciation from her. I suggest just giving yourself a little credit, it won't hurt you at all. (unless you do become a cult leader or sumptin')

    Now, as far as your "healing powers" go...I have epilepsy, so take your best shot. Succeed...and I'll bow down and worship you.

    And my dating advice: After my last marriage, I looked for somebody who had what I consider one of the most important qualities...empathy. That's one trait I think will serve both of you immensely in trials of life. I found her.

    Now...hurry up and get to Texas...and have a safe trip !


  • Crumpet
    Now, as far as your "healing powers" go...I have epilepsy, so take your best shot. Succeed...and I'll bow down and worship you.

    And my dating advice: After my last marriage, I looked for somebody who had what I consider one of the most important qualities...empathy. That's one trait I think will serve both of you immensely in trials of life. I found her.

    Now...hurry up and get to Texas...and have a safe trip !


    I was just thinking if I did end up being a Cult Healer/Leader that healing acts definitely would involve lots of people getting prostrate before me! LOL! So rude.

    I am coming in a few hours! So excited and before I come over I am having a mini aposta lunch and meeting for the first time someone from this board in a few minutes!

  • JWdaughter

    Crumpet, you ARE special, and if no one really told you that before, you haven't met many wise people. And if you have some special foot healing power (in spite of your foot aversion) I have some feet that need healing:) Serious, I'd go to Dallas for it. And I don't even want to go to the next county for the foot dr. who already has done two surgeries.

    I am glad that she thinks you are wonderful (at the very least, she's smart!), but is she special other than at making you feel special? It sounds like a lovely date altogether. I hope that all goes well and stays so happy and energised.


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