Are JW's generally better than average people?

by JH 299 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Rosalee, let's just start again. You are welcome to your opinions and of course others
    will contradict them. That happens. But focusing all of our and your energies on this
    could keep people at a name-calling level. That's not really productive.

    If you want to help us out, ask your elders how to reach apostates.

    Guys, I love heated debates, but we need to cut some slack to the newbies who
    still do everything the WTS tells them to do (except avoid apostates).

    See, even I do it. Let's just start over again and end this nonsense.

  • sir82


    Can't help but notice you aren't responding to the tough questions, such as Leolaia's. Not a very powerful witness, is it?

  • BizzyBee

    Wasn't someone saying just the other day that JWD was getting boring? And then, heeeeere's Rosalee!

    Welcome, Rosalee! I just got caught up on the exchanges here and find your efforts very touching.

    It is clear that either you have not been a JW very LONG - or - you have not been a JW very DEEP. Not unusual - there is so much encouragement to take the WTS word at face value, without delving into past teachings. In fact, questioning is discouraged.

    Pity, because the evolution of the teachings of the WTS reveals so much. Yet, for those inside the organization it is hard to get ahold of the damning documentation, because it is regularly expunged from the literature by the WTS when it proves embarrassing.

    Ever heard of Beth Sarim? I didn't think so. That's why I'm glad you are here! We are experts on the WTS! We are former pioneers, Bethelites, MS's, PO's, CO's, elders, etc., some going back 50 - 60 years or more! And we have the long memories to match!

    Stick around, Rosalee!

  • ButtLight
    Guys, I love heated debates, but we need to cut some slack to the newbies who
    still do everything the WTS tells them to do (except avoid apostates).

    I havent posted on this thread......but have been reading it. Thats simply one thing I dont get. If people are to come on an apostate forum and argue that the wts is right.........what about all the stuff they say about not going on the internet? Not to associate with appostates?

    Rosalee, we have all been where you are now. If your willing to come "chat" with apostates, Then maybe you would be willing to take a step back and look at what is actually going on in the WTS also. You dont have to tell them you did.......cuz like you said, not telling isnt lying right? Look at some of the threads here in the Best Of section.......and tell us what you think!

    Welcome to the board by the way. I dont consider myself an apostate, but because I come here, JW's would think I am.

  • Rosalee


    Leolaia (sp) didn't pose any questions.

    Now THAT would be hard to answer :)

    Other than your pithy comment, I don't see that you contribute much.

  • BFD


    I just went back and read your first post.

    This is the first I've seen any group get so uptight about their former friends. Does there actually come a time when you put a period on the past and move on?

    Your assumptions are incorrect. I have not associated with Jws for 30+ years. JWD is helping me to put closure on a very distruptive influences in my life. Don't group everyone together, it's too black and white. Do a little research then move on.


    Oh, and welcome to the forum?

  • trevor

    The original question was: Are JW's generally better than average people?

    If Rosalee is typical of the 'average' JW then I think we finally have our answer.

  • Rosalee


    You FINALLY have your answer???

    It took me to post here for you to figure that out???

    Real Quick Draw McGraw there :)

  • Rosalee


    thank you for the welcome?

    30 YEARS !!

    And you are still trying to set your mind straight? WOW!!!

  • ButtLight

    If the question was different, i would say yes. (brought up with better morals?) yes. Better? No!

    I grew up in the "truth". Did it make me a good, well behaved, non swearing, all around good kid? Yes! I left at 18. Did it help me then? NO!

    I was so restricted when in, that all hell broke loose once they df'd freed me!

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