Are JW's generally better than average people?

by JH 299 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rosalee


    snif snif all you want.

    Feel free to ask anyone any question you want.

    Ask me anything you want,

    Just don't ever feel that I will feel obligated to answer you :)

  • Rosalee

    To some people, they cannot grasp the concept that not revealing 'everything' is tantamount to lying.

    Have to pity them.

  • TopHat

    Rosalee, How long have you been a JW?

  • restrangled

    To some people, they cannot grasp the concept that not revealing 'everything' is tantamount to lying.

    Some JW's cannot grasp that because the WTS lies and tells its followers to lie under the guise of "Theocratic Warfare" that people don't immediately recognize it for what it is.

    JW's lie on a regular is part of the WTS culture. They lie until they are called on it. You are no less a liar if you are not called on it.

    r's hubby

  • journey-on
    To some people, they cannot grasp the concept that not revealing 'everything' is tantamount to lying.

    She just didn't reveal everything. Because it wasn't called for.

    Sarah did not lie!

    Uh????? Now, what are you saying? Did Sarah lie or not?

  • daystar

    To some people, they cannot grasp the concept that not revealing 'everything' is tantamount to lying.

    Have to pity them.

    When leaving that detail out causes a misconception to be held, it is tantamount to lying. Satan, the great deceiver is your father.

    You know what? Why am I being Jehovah's advocate here? I don't know. If your mental trapeze allowing you to lie or misrepresent or deceive works to keep you in your heart of hearts away from a true understanding of the Divine, then so be it.

    I for one have no problem with lying when absolutely necessary. But the truth is so much more powerful. Stay weak. The more of you who remain weak and out of touch with Jehovah, the Divine, the better for the rest of us.

  • OnTheWayOut
    JW's lie on a regular basis

    We are not here to convert you, just to encourage Bible reading.

    I choose to [abstain from blood; shun my grandchild; refuse to vote or serve in the military;
    not celebrate birthdays and holidays; tell my children to skip college; not plan for retirement]

    We don't have our own interpretation of the Bible, it's just a modern-language translation.

    I study for every meeting.

    I made my 10 hours/70 hours/50 hours this month.

    No, I appreciated the extra 20 minutes that the convention went over on Sunday, for the DO's
    experiences and the long prayer.

    I could go on, but you will start to question the validity of the lies. The above are general lies
    that occur within every congregation.

  • Rosalee

    Not that it matters one iota, but when I mentioned to Carla I understood her maybe slanting what the elders said to her husband, I related that I have not always been a JW. It is in my previous life that I could add extra meanings to what I wanted to hear. Y'all understand that. It's what most of you do. And I do not.

    Not revealing 'every' detail to those who ask us questions in not lying.

    I have every right to decide what and when I will reveal anything.

    This simple concept flies right over all too many of you.

  • Zico


    Surely you have known some JWs to lie before?

    (And I mean lie, not hide the Truth, which I agree is not lying)

  • Open mind
    Open mind
    Ask me anything you want,
    Just don't ever feel that I will feel obligated to answer you :)

    No, Rosalee, after spending so many years under mind-control the last thing I would wish on anyone is to "obligate" them to do anything. If you can summon the courage and honesty to plainly confront either my questions or the others that have been presented to you, I'd love to hear your thoughts. But, no, you're certainly not "obligated"
    to and I apologize if I gave that impression.

    But, to make sure you're clear on your "obligations", the clear "obligation" that has been laid down by the WTS to YOU is to log off this poisonous apostate site right now, confess to the local elders and hope they don't kick you to the curb.

    But, I have a feeling you're getting a vicarious thrill out of seeing the "apostate waters roil" as you drag the bait along and you won't be able to stop yourself.

    Bye bye for now.

    Open Mind

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