Crazy in Dallas Pics... A little at a time...
by Sparkplug 99 Replies latest jw friends
Hey...!! It was walk into the pool on my own or be dragged in by Matt...
I chose to walk in....and dayum that water was cold...
oh lawdy...
Didn't anyone besides fully clothed aposta-males get in the pool??
I jumped in fully clothed at the very end, after most everyone had left and the leasing agent had suspiciously done his walk-through to make sure we left everything in pristine condition, followed by my daughter. It felt GREAT!! Just cold enough. Of course, it took two days for the seats in my car to dry off, but who cares?
Big Tex
are those BVD's? and Daystar....commando?
A true Scotsman never tells.
Thanks for all the pics Decki.
I can see some photos but the majority are little red disapointed what can I do ??