Crazy in Dallas Pics... A little at a time...
by Sparkplug 99 Replies latest jw friends
Dearest Crumpet:
The thought of relocating to europe sounds exciting! I need to look into it and see if it is something I can plan. I'm so tired of Arkansas! But until I can move to europe I shall be planning on at least traveling there!
Maybe we can do a tv reality show called Life Swap - where one single girl takes on the life of a little rock boy and vice versa. Trust me you'd run screaming! And anyway we wouldn't get to fight for floor space together at parties then so what would be the point!
I'm assuming you'll have me as a guest if I ever get to Arkansas? Sod it - I know I'm welcome! I'll just call when I am on my way! hehe!
Leolaia - thats so funny and so accurate! I hope LT shows his boys these pics when he gets home. Anyone know if he is home safe yet?
Sad emo
Fab pics on this and the other threads!!
They were worth waiting for while my 'puter got repaired. Looks like a great time was had by all
Crumpet, you are more than welcome at my fabulous pad any time; there is plenty of space; I don't know what you would think of Little Rock, Arkansas; You would probably think "what the hell is Littlerockguy still doing in a place like this rotting his lifeway", LOL
wow, I really envy the great time you folks had in texas. I will get myself out there one day. I'm glad it worked out well.
Great pictures!
And CONGRATULATIONS to the happy couple!
Crumpet, you are more than welcome at my fabulous pad any time; there is plenty of space; I don't know what you would think of Little Rock, Arkansas; You would probably think "what the hell is Littlerockguy still doing in a place like this rotting his lifeway", LOL
LRG - then I will sweep you away on my charger - I will be your Fairytale Princess!
OMG, I love pics... especially hot exJW women's. :)
Ok, Here are a last few that DS had asked for. Sorry it took a bit. Pretty neet to see the man in black and the butterflies!