Those people look too normal to have ever been JWs! IMPOSTERS!!
Crazy in Dallas Pics... A little at a time...
by Sparkplug 99 Replies latest jw friends
Great pictures Sparky! Your such a good camera
manwoman! Glad you all had fun! -
wow, what a great group, I wish I could have gone but I had tests and term papers to do.... crap! Great pictures by the way sparky
Ach! Those are fantastic photos!
I wish we had gotten a pic or two of the nice little mormons we scared the hell out of!
I hear there was a photo of me kissing a little butterfly. I hope that one's on its way.
GREAT PICS!!! What kind of camera did you use???
Big Tex
You should've been there Min. Everybody would have loved to see the dancing red dot.
I would've loved to see you guys!!! nice to see you and Nina in the pics!
Big Tex
Nina takes a great picture doesn't she? She's my honey.
As for me, I'm just surprised my face didn't break the camera lens!
Beautiful pictures.
soooooo, what kind of camera was used? huh???