great pictures! I would have love to have met you all!
Crazy in Dallas Pics... A little at a time...
by Sparkplug 99 Replies latest jw friends
Sparkplug has a beautiful professional type digital (Nikon?). I have a Canon Powershot SD700 that I LOVE. It was my birthday/Christmas present last year and it fits in my purse and has image stabilization so I can catch those fast-moving 'postates in mid beer as needed.
at Big Tex -- you look great, sweetie!
Min, you ought to come down in late July when Englishman and Her Ladyship are here!
You know, Nina, I'd love to get to know you folks! My biggest friend on this site was your husband. We've had a few chats and Big Tex is a great guy it doesn't surprise me to see that he would get you such a great gift!
Yes, he's a keeper! And after 24 years of marriage, we are comfortable enough to tell the other one exactly what we want. I'm a camera junkie and did lots of research on this one -- I wanted something small and digital that I could carry anywhere, even in a pocket, but it had to have great clarity and image stabilization. My first digital was a Sony and it was wonderful for clarity but couldn't catch any action. Fortunately, the technology has come a long way since the late 1990's.
You need to make the Texas pilgrimage, min. These photos should convince you that we'll make it worth your while! Chris and I would love to meet you in person!
You guys are so nice! I mean that. You 2 are the role models of "apostates".....And that's a compliment.
BTW, I doubt very much I could get to Texas soon but you never know. At least I know I'd be welcomed!
Great pics Decki, thanks for posting them, it was just what I needed.
Hey Min! Hey Nina...Thanks all. Um.. the camera is my new one I bought or Phersephone (SP) to shoot with. It is the Rebel XTi but some may have been taken on the Canon 20D. I was not paying attention to the CF Cards. I do think most were on the XTi...I needed the practice with it. It was my first weekend out with it.
I wish we had gotten a pic or two of the nice little mormons we scared the hell out of!
I hear there was a photo of me kissing a little butterfly. I hope that one's on its way.
Looks like you guys had a wonderful time.
I wish Karen and I could have been there with you. Would have been nice to meet all of you.
Great photos.
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
Everyone is so beautiful and it looks like y'all had so much fun! I love the cowboy hats! My roommate went to Dallas on business about six months ago and brought me back a cowboy hat! That's where you gotta get 'em, I think!
Thanks so much for posting, Spark! You are such a classy, beautiful, fun lady! I can't wait to get to hang out with you, Sister!!!