Hey.................was LittleToe doing interviews on the bed or something....................
Crazy in Dallas Pics... A little at a time...
by Sparkplug 99 Replies latest jw friends
Great pictures Decki, thanks for posting them. Happy Mothers day honey and I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks to your photographic ingenuity I now have rid myself of that man-boob avatar!
I HAVE to get to me Dallas one of these days! What a great scene. Sparkplug - I love that costume! The Renfest must have been so great.
hemp lover
Hey.................was LittleToe doing interviews on the bed or something....................
He was luring people in to sit on his vibrating seat cushion. Love the shot of Brigid enjoying the ride - beautiful.
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
Thanks for posting and sharing, Spark! I hope you feel better, soon, Sweetie! Happy Mother's Day!!!!
CONGRATS, Little Toe and Xena (Xena Toe)! You two look so lovely and radiant and so happy!!!
oh god such memories. I miss you all so so much.
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
Crumpet, I LOVE the one of you and CHL hugging. It's priceless.
Sparkplug, these pics are the best I've ever seen; they capture so much of last weekend and it was truly an event I will never forget and will talk about for years to come. I feel so blessed to have been part of it.
Sparkplug, these pics are the best I've ever seen; they capture so much of last weekend and it was truly an event I will never forget and will talk about for years to come. I feel so blessed to have been part of it.
yeah i felt stirred and blessed too! Now when do we start co-habiting LRG? You did promise... you had our whole future planned out...or was that the merlot talking. I shall be sorely disappointed! Say hey to your friend too - he was such a cool guy, very open and relaxed - not unlike yourself!