URGENT HELP: I need some help with statistics calculations - please!

by Crumpet 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dark Knight
  • JH

    I think that I'm right everywhere

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight


    Both these statements are correct

    American use 2.38 times the energy consumption used in Russia.

    Americans use 138% MORE energy than Russians.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    5480 x 2.3864 = 13077 so 238% is correct, sort of.

    But then again it is incorrect for the question you are trying to answer.

    America uses 13077 per capita, Russia uses 5480 per capita so each American uses 7597 more per head than Russia. 7597/5480= 1.386 so Americans use 138% MORE than Russians.

    If you are looking to calculate the percentage difference between two things you are looking for the percentage difference from the lower figure to the higher.

    If I eat two burgers and you eat 4 burgers then you have eaten 200% of the burgers that I have, however you have eaten 100% more than I have.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    Damn, I posted too slow!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    JH, in your first example, you transposed the numbers.

    You wrote 33,360 when it should have been 33,630.


    Continuing the discussion:


    To check I have this straight:

    Russia uses 5480 electricity in kWH per capita - America uses 13078 kwh - am I right now to say that AMerica consumes 72.12% more electricity based on the following calculation:

    13078 - 5480 = 7598 divide 5480 = 0.721 x 100 = 72.12%.


    The mistake you made here is that you did 5480/7598, which is less than 1. You should do this: 7598/5480. Thus America's consumption of power is 138% more than Russia. You can look at the problem and quickly see which way your answer will lie, then let that broad view guide you to the precisely correct answer.

    JH has forgotten to subtract 100% from his answers. If both countries consumed 13078 KWh, would JH say that since 13087/13078=100%, each country used 100% more than the other?

  • JH

    Crumpet wrote this so i copied her numbers.

    I want to show what percentage higher the GNI of the UK is above France. In the table of stats UK GNI is 33,360 and France is 30,370.
  • Scully


    I want to show what percentage higher the GNI of the UK is above France. In the table of stats UK GNI is 33,360 and France is 30,370.

    I'm not a statistician, but this is how I would do it:

    GNI(UK)/GNI(Fr) = 33,360/30,370 = x/100% = 109.85%/100%

    therefore: 109.85% - 100% = 9.85% GNI(UK) > GNI(Fr)

  • Crumpet

    Sobs into the sofa! Where scully did the 109% figure come from.

    The problem is I am not answering any specific questions except those I render myself. The question is based on a table which I cant show you but is

    Summarize what the information in Table 1 tells us about the relationship between enviornmental impacts and the level of national income in different countries.

    And I have to demonstrate my ability to reflect the differences and similarities by use of percentages of greater than and more than. But I really appreciate all the help. I think I have got a sufficient answer to get me a pass on this part - I hope. I need to do the essay now which hopefully will be easy - I'm much better at marrying words than breeding numbers.

  • Caedes

    whereas I used the 33630 crumpet also quoted!

    Both these statements are correct

    American use 2.38 times the energy consumption used in Russia.

    Americans use 138% MORE energy than Russians.

    Yes, both are equally valid ways of describing the difference.

    a 138% increase is the same as 238% of the original figure.

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