URGENT HELP: I need some help with statistics calculations - please!

by Crumpet 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    Crumpet this is how I figure it.

    UK = 33,360

    France= 30,370

    Uk 2,990 more than France

    2,990 / 30,370 = 9.845% or 0.0984524

    The proof the answer is 9.845% is multiply 0.0984524 x 30,370

    the answer to that is 2989.9993 which you round up to 2990 which is the difference between the UK and France

    The answer is 0.0984524 another way of expressing this is 9.8%

    Take the 2990 and add it to the 30,370 that gives you 33,360

  • deeskis

    ooh lala, lookie at what's happened since I went to bed........... this thread is on fire!!

    Hope you get top marks on this one Crumpet.

  • Crumpet

    I just handed in the essay electronically - thank you all so much for your help. It didnt help that I gave an incorrect figure either! But I sorted it in the end and believe the calculation I used to be correct.

    I should get the results in the next week - so will let you know how I did. Thanks especially to Dark Knight for the phone chat - that was fun! Sydney is on my travel agenda!

  • Crumpet

    I just got my results! Yay! So happy.


    Hi Nina,
    You made some good points in relation to part a). However, at times you seemed to over complicate matters and it was difficult to follow your points. A good rule is to try and make one point per sentence. Second, when looking at a table or graph, first look for the overall pattern and give illustrations. From this, you then highlight any exceptions. In this question you did not have to evaluate the reasons why they might be the exception. (64%)

    Part b) Saw you give some absolutely excellent explanations, for example on possible solutions. Overall, i think your understanding appears good, it just needed some tidying up in places. For example, the difference between environmental accidents and environmental degradation. Perhaps too clearer definitions of the distinction of public goods and the reason why future generations are a problem for the market.This was a good piece of work with lots of strengths. Well done .(78% ) Best wishes,

    So part a) I got a clear pass which is equivalent to a C and part b) I got a good pass equiv to a B!

    Thank you for all your help!

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