Isn't God Awesome?

by Perry 450 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dedpoet
    I will try to be nicer to you, since you complain alot about vinny not being nice enough.

    There's no need, I can take it lol.

    On a more serious note:

    I also am aware of your difficult situation and seriously do not want to add any more stress to you or your situation. I will ask you before how you feel about a reply to your posts. I am human and do have true empathy for your situation.

    I hope things are all looking up and better for you both.

    Thanks for that. To be honest, I am an atheist, as is Linda, but there have been
    times when I have wished I could believe, and that prayer would achieve something,
    but I can't, and don't. I don't discuss my views much, nor try to change others views.
    Anything a theist says on here will not be taken personally by me.

    My best to you and Linda

    Thankyou, I have passed that on to her, she sends her love.



  • Vinny

    When people reply like dead poet just did, I can be very nice too.

    It does not matter to me if my own brother was an atheist, I would not treat him any differently. On a debate board, things can get a little fiery though.

    After the debate, like I told AA, we can have a cold one and laugh it off.

    PM me if she's interested in a Hawaiian Print. I am a landscape photographer in Hawaii and sell my work internationally.

    I will promise not to sign Vinny the theist....

    : )

  • trevor
    I am so sorry for you other folks standing in line for vinny, waiting to get your SPANKS over with. (I think Almost Atheist is next in line), but alan f wants one of his spanks FIRST.

    These are the words of one of Gods spokesmen who has mastered in Bible study.

    If this is the level of intellect attainable by a person who believes in the concept of God enough to try and prove his belief to others - my guess is that atheism will flourish!

  • AlmostAtheist

    Hey Vinny,

    You can skip my spanking. We've both got better things to do. You're obviously a decent guy, and devout. That's cool. You're not going to convince anyone that isn't already convinced, and it's clear nothing I say will affect you. On this topic, at least. So let's just agree to disagree, 'k?

    When at last we meet, beers are on me.


  • fifi40

    Dear Vinny...............I am genuinely interested and seek explanation from you for this so please do not launch into a tirade of pointless insults and derogatory comments.............if you expect people to believe in a God based on creation and all we see around us requiring a creator please can you clarify to me why God did not require a creator and where he came from.

    Thank you


  • undercover

    This thread prompted me to pick up a Bible again...

    I just had to see what Psalms 137:9 said

  • Sirona


    You see Sirona, if you are a believer in God and I.D., then I ask you the same thing as little toe, why not get involved and say something other than "vinny is SO goda$#@ BORING".

    How boring of you not to jump on in.

    Good point.

    I do believe in God / Goddess. I also believe in evolution. So whilst I am not atheist, I do not accept the bible and the creationist theories as being anything but mythology. Mythology, incidentally, is a very useful thing and shouldn't be minimised. However, it is best to admit that whilst it is useful, it isn't to be taken literally.

    The creation story is a myth which is filled with valuable information for us as human beings. That is my opinion.


  • Sirona

    Traditional guesses place Eden in the Mesopotamia region, but where the Bible locates Eden to the east in Gen. 2:8, that suggests a constellation. The heavens always come from the east.

    As we pass through the autumn equinox into winter, the constellations Virgo the celestial Virgin, Bootes the Herdsman and Draco the serpent appear across the sky. There is also the constellation of Ophiuchus nearby, as a serpent wrapped around the waste of a human figure.

    The Virgin holds in her hand a branch of fruit, symbolizing Autumn, which she seems to offer to the Herdsman. When the Virgin and the Herdsman fall beneath the horizon, Perseus rises on the other side with a sword in his hand, seeming to drive them from the summer heaven.

    The term, The Fall of Man occurs astrologically as the fall of the sun, when it descends past the halfway point towards its lowest point on the horizon during the winter months. The Christian theology of crucifixion draws from the same seasonal event, when astrologers described the sun as being crucified as it crosses the halfway point towards descent.

    As a side note, each branch of the Christian cross symbolizes a season. The top: the shortest day of the winter solstice. The bottom: the longest day of the summer solstice. The two equal arms: the two equal days of the fall and spring equinox. This is not a coincidence.

  • fifi40

    Dear Perry

    You know nothing of me and yet you deem yourself able to judge that I am not good and am not moral. I wish now to have an open discussion with you putting aside your judgement of me......................and this comes from a girl who would move snails off the path to avoid their destruction by a human foot.

    The problem I have with your views is that there is something unprincipled about asking people to adopt God/religion because it helps them to behave well and not because it is true. There is a distinction between sin and immorality. Sin is essentially a religious idea or in other words disobedience to God, it works on the basis of compliance rather than consent, a blind obedience rather than co-operating with an end that is understood and volunatirly accepted. Sin is not only committing what is forbidden by God, but refusing to what is commanded by God. For some reasoning people the problem lies is that history has shown that many of the claims made on the behalf of God have subsequently been rejected for moral reasons.

    Moral reasoning is based on observed consequences,not on beliefs, superstitions or preferences. A wrong act is one that manifestly harms others or their interests, violates their rights or causes injustices. We do not require belief in God to recognise that it is not right to harm others. For some saying that an act is wrong because it is forbidden by God, is not enough unless we can also justify it on moral grounds..........for example some may say that God forbids masturbation you are having a religious discourse not one that is based on morals. For it to be a moral problem it needs to be proven that it is harmful.

    The fact is that none are perfect. We could debate endlessly about how this design fault originated. The facts also are that there is neither CONCLUSIVE proof of evolution or the existence of God. We are therefore in the position where we have to choose how we live our lives. For you to say that someone is neither good nor moral based on your own choice of belief is judgenmental. You accuse me of judging others (whilst having no knowledge of me) and yet I strive not to judge accuse me of being a liar, or of having told lies and yet I strive to be completely honest with accuse me of stealing and yet I am the first person to point out to a cashier if they have undercharged me, so as to avoid trouble they may meet with their I do these things as an act of obedience to a God....................the simple answer to that is, No.

    I am not required to justify my actions to you on behalf of God....................if he exists he knows me and he knows my heart...........he knows my motivation...............and ultimately if he is exists he may judge me.

    Do you think he requires you to judge others? Do you think your way of dealing with others draws them to your God or alienates them from him? Nothing you have said during these pages has given me any reason to be associated with the system of beliefs you follow and the God you serve. And yet if there was proof of a God who is loving and cares for humankind I would want to serve him. Your first thread here spoke of how you came to realise how true love acts, can you summarize to me how exactly 'true love' acts?


  • Ring Wielder
    Ring Wielder

    The Bible is very unclear on the subject of morals anyway. That can be seen from the diversity of beliefs within Christianity. For example, you have sects who stand on street corners with placards denouncing homosexuality. You have every shade of belief about homosexuals in between before we get to Gay Christian groups who will stand on street corners with placards promoting Gay rights. Who is right? What does God think? Who does he favor? Is He a conservative or a liberal or somewhere in between? They can all make a case from Scripture, their interpretation of it. There are so many branches of Christianity...about 2,000 in America alone, I guess you just choose one which suits you..or pick and mix. Thanks for being SO clear God. I am agnostic, but I dont think the theists on this thread have done their cause one iota of good. My view: GOD HAS LEFT THE BUILDING. (If he was ever here in the first place)

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