Isn't God Awesome?

by Perry 450 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hillary_step


    I didn't ask HOW morality came into existence. I asked the same question that you did years ago: Who Pays the Piper?

    This thread has gone on for many pages. If you look back at the interchange that WE have had between is, this is exactly what you did ask, in fact you introduced it for the second time as you transferred it from another thread.

    As to the Paying of the Piper, well every action and interraction comes with some sort of cost or reward depending on how it afflicts or benefits a moment in history. Again, this has nothing to do with an installed sense of morality but the process of social evolution.

    Think of it this way. Your Hebrew God did unspeakably 'immoral' things as outlined in the OT. The defence of religionists is that this severe behavior was needed at the time to protect His people. Strangely enough Hitler appealed to this same notion, but let us not go the Godwin way. What was moral to God yesterday is now viewed as immoral today.

    Think Hobbes and Burke.

    What does this teach you?

    Best regards - HS

  • Perry

    And with that folks, I'll let you draw your own conclusions. Out of respect for the author of the question, "Who Pays The Piper?" I'll give him the last un-examined (for now) word on this question and his answer.

    God's Blessings on Everyone!

  • fifi40

    Just for the record..............

    Prove that God is awesome..........................explain why he stands by and lets kids get raped, molested, killed, starve to death, die of horrendous diseases whilst their parents sit beside them helpless and weeping. Explain why he allows so much confusion about his existence, so many variations on enlightment, so many devout people all believing and hoping in different things. Explain to me which God you are actually serving.................and then check out the actual source of that God. Explain to me how so many atrocities have been allowed in the name of God. I could ramble on like this all night............and come up with a thousand questions for you to answer and hopefully encourage you to think.

    I wish not to discourage your faith or your belief.....................that is something personal to you and your choice.

    But what I find incredible is that you judge think that without God in their lives they are incapable of living good and moral lives and not only that, they are judging everyone else for those very same 'sins' they commit. My comment to you was not intended as an insult but as an are judging people who do not choose to believe in God or have him in their lives.

    And your answer to me is 'Get a life'............your flavour of christianity to me is repugnant and all it encourages me to do is avoid christians!

  • Perry
    Think of it this way. Your Hebrew God did unspeakably 'immoral' things

    hillary changed his post to add the above while I was writing mine. So sad (but in character) that he would take the occasion of clearing himself of wrongdoing only to slander and accuse God..... who I might add is NOT his Father and owes him not the slighest explanation NOR KINDNESS, which I fully intend to deeply explore after a deserved break.

    His argument of "God is Bad" in his mind makes him feel better about his suppressed feelings of GUILT regarding his own failures of his own making, that he further imagines go unnoticed and unpunished.....the same treatment that he denies others who have wronged him!!!. It wasn't enough to imagine his own righteousness. No. He must fulfill his destiny of damning the very God he thinks is an illusion so as to search, and reach, and affix the fig leaves that he denied to those that sinned against him.

    Yes, his war is against God!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Baby pic. of Perry and now


  • Perry
    you think that without God in their lives they are incapable of living good and moral lives

    Get a life fifi. Have you ever told a lie? Ever stolen anyting? Ever looked at a woman with lust? Christ says if you just look at a married woman (or while married) with lust you are an adulterer. That's just three of God's commandments. How about love your enemies....can you do that?

    Have you ever judged someone harshly for the above crimes that you are surely guilty of? What did you wish apon anyone who did that to you? God says that you did it to him and you will be judged thusly. You could however escape such judgement if you would just not judge anyone for anything that you are guilty of.

    Can you stop that fifi? If you cannot stop judging others who are guilty of the crimes that you are guilty of? No? Then you need someone to post bail. Better than that, you need someone to pay your debt.

    You are not good and you are not moral. When I speak of people's sin, it is not my judgement. It is fact. Do you deny this?

  • theinfamousone

    i tired so hard to stay away... but this kind of bunk makes me soooo angry perry... lets start at the top, NO ONE, religious or not, atheist or not, can say they have never lied or "adultered" by your loose standards, or stolen... unfortunately, as you look down on us, you miss the rafter in your own eye again.. YOU ARE A JUDGEMENTAL PERSON... ask anyone following this thread... you have judged us all to be sinners who are worth nothing but eternal damnation... but wait, there may be hope for you since

    You are not good and you are not moral. When I speak of people's sin, it is not my judgement. It is fact. Do you deny this?

    so these are not your personal critiques, you are able to tell us all what is fact... you know for a FACT that there is a god... you know for a FACT that we are sinning and you are not... you know for a FACT that vinny is an animal and doing right.... you know everything for a FACT so there is no need to prove any of it... thats amazing, because i will call the BS card on all of it... how do you know that something that leaves no proof exists for a fact? and how do you know that god views your coondescending manner, which is pushing many of us further away from god, as something less disgusting than well discussing what we have been led to believe...

    if your god wants believers, well then, he better show himself and make people like you a little more mild tempered... hey, make people like me more mild tempered, but at least im not fighting to prove someones existance...

    the infamous one

    ps. hows the purple flying monkey doing?

  • Perry

    Let's take a look shall we?

    NO ONE, religious or not, atheist or not, can say they have never lied or "adultered" by your loose standards, or stolen

    Yes that's what's the problem?

    ... unfortunately, as you look down on us

    Whoa....not so fast. Are you proud when you lie? How about when that 16 yr old cashier gives you an extra five dollar bill in change, and you keep it. You proud of that? What about the FAR WORSE things that "only" YOU know about. You proud of those things? Your conscience damns you. CON SCIENCE = with knowledge

    you miss the rafter in your own eye again..

    Please show where I have ever on this board pronounced my self not guilty. I haven't have I? Why? Because I am GUILTY.


    Are you not a sinner friend? May I follow you then? Give you money perhaps.... watch you and learn from you?

    ... ask anyone following this thread... you have judged us all to be sinners who are worth nothing but eternal damnation

    Every had anything stolen from you you highly prized? What did you wish on the jerk that did it? Have you ever stolen anything.... no matter how small? What does that make you . What would it make me if I stole something from you?

    you know for a FACT that there is a god...

    As a matter of fact I believe that I do have proof for me.

    you know for a FACT that we are sinning and you are not

    After closely studying hundreds of thousands of people, I do believe that you are a sinner. Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.

    thats amazing, because i will call the BS card on all of it...

    Again, allow me to apologize if you are not a sinner.

    how do you know that something that leaves no proof exists for a fact?

    Evidence is everywhere. Didn't you read Vinny's posts? Fact? God spoke to me himself.

    and how do you know that god views your coondescending manner, which is pushing many of us further away from god, as something less disgusting than well discussing what we have been led to believe...

    I have several physicians who come to my home every other Sunday for a bible study. They all agree that if you talk about a radical cure for people before they fully understand how sick they are, the patient will likely view you as an enemy. One doctor just this past weekend commented that he wished that he could take patients over to the amputee ward to show diabetes patients exactly where they are headed if they don't deal with their blood sugar.

    Unless your sin is dealt with, paid for, forever abolished, you are in grave danger. Can you come up with a more just standard than to judge you by that which you have judged others? When you judged others, you did it to God.

    if your god wants believers, well then, he better show himself and make people like you a little more mild tempered... hey, make people like me more mild tempered
    God get all the believers he wants. That in itself is a gift. WE cannot choose God in any ultimate sense. You imagine that God is waiting and begging you to seek him. He is not. He desires all to. But they cannot. He knows this. They must be called. Because none can seek him and because all sin, he is not their father. As such, he owes nothing to sinners ..... EXCEPT that judgement that the moral creatures have dealt out to others, while guilty of the same. This is the issue that only Christianity has a solution for.

  • AlanF

    Perry wrote:

    : . . . You are not good and you are not moral. When I speak of people's sin, it is not my judgement. It is fact. Do you deny this?

    What's your point? Are you not guilty of all manner of "sin"?

    How about your God who revels in things like his servants smashing babies to pieces against rocks? (Psalm 137:9) Do you have the gall to claim that that's ok?

    How about answering the question I've posed to you several times now:

    Perry, if God said that it's fun to torture babies, and morally right to do so, and it was pleasing to him for you to do it, would you?

    Let's now watch as Perry takes his well deserved break.


  • hillary_step


    Beating my head against a wall of astonishing mental density such as you have propagated in this thread is beyond my interest. You are beyond reason, have no intention of answering any question that inavlidates your position and are thus welcome to fester in your fundamentalist ignorance.

    May BWWAHHHHHHHHHH have mercy on your parrot.


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