Isn't God Awesome?

by Perry 450 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BFD
    Nvr- Dude, BFD! You sound like James Thomas

    Why thank you grasshopper! JT is awesome.


  • Arthur


    I don't mean to be insulting or disrespectful. I know that I don't know you personally, but I must say that your outlandish and juvenile diatribes on this thread give Christians a terrible name. I am a Christian, yet do not consider myself a fundamentalist. I don't think that you have fully comprehended how you have come across to people on this thread.

    I have seen several posters express how they are even more convinced that Christianity is a joke after observing your posts. I certainly am not condoning the insults and name-calling on the part of others either. But honestly, ask yourself how your constant talk of "spanking" and "trouncing" the other posters has made anyone feel more endeared to the teachings of Jesus.

    I have observed that the most effective way to have these discussions (even disagreements) is to humbly point out where we disagree and coherently express what we believe without puting others down trying to moralize on the "sinfulness" of their personal beliefs. If the other parties refuse to have a respectful discussion, we can simply excuse ourselves from the debate. I am not attempting to judge you personally, I am merely judging the persona you have presented on this thread.

    After watching this thread for the last few days, I certainly would not say that you have won any arguments. Why? Because anytime we throw away the qualities of rationality, civility, maturity, and dignity in an attempt to win an argument, we have already lost. Judging from the comments made by many posters (who feel further alienated from Christianity by the diatribes on this thread), I would say that nothing has really been won.

    By the way, the constant "bwahahahahahahahahahaha" line reminds many of us of the Doctor Evil character from the Austin Powers movies.

  • nvrgnbk

    Nicely expressed thoughts Arthur. I guess not all Christians are bad after all.

  • Vinny

    Hilary, the self-titled "GREAT DISMANTLER" is now up.

    ****** The bible says that the Creator of all things never had a beginning. Scientists say that TIME began when the universe began. Therefore the Creator would have also been the creator of TIME along with the universe itself. He would be before time, outside of the very dimension that He created. He would not be subject to time, as is all things today. The most obvious aspect being a beginning. Everything that we see and know of had a beginning. The one exception would be the very one that created time itself, who is also said through the holy scriptures to have never had a beginning. No special pleading at all here in this very circumstance. Throw out the bible, yet science still teaches that time is accepted to have began when the universe began. Whoever made the universe then would also have made time.

    Here, I will help you so you can't be too confused:

    1- Hilary, how does life evolve from lifeless matter? Please tell us.

    2- Hilary, how does it feel believing that red corvette simply could arrive all on its own since universe, life and earth (all far more complex) all arrived on their own with no intelligence involved?

    3- Hilary, if its true that all these things just happened on their own, why cannot the same science and technology which sends folks to the moon, create ANY LIFE (even the simplest of living things) from non-living matter today?

    4- Hilary, what about the universal fact of life PRINCIPLE that EVERY BEGINNING MUST HAVE A CAUSE CAUSE? What does THAT do for atheism?

    5- Hilary, what does it say to you when people such as Einstein, Copernicus, Sir Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Boyle, Faraday, Mendel, Kelvin, Max Planck, and thousands of others scientists, philosophers, leaders such as Ghandi, MLK, every single President elected and many other successful people as well as BILLIONS of others believe in a Supreme Intelligent Designer and REJECT ATHEISM OUTRIGHT.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Vinny typed the most words so he wins.

  • fifi40

    Dear Vinny

    I am neither 'atheist' nor a 'believer' and, as there is not conclusive proof of either will remain that way.

    However I do understand some fundamental differences, the first being that there is a huge difference between 'belief' and 'knowledge' or 'fact'.

    Belief in a creator, requires just that belief; it requires faith. Why? Because we have no proof that a creator exists. If I tell you Elvis is alive you can only know that if you have conclusive DNA related proof, otherwise you can choose to have faith that he is, or not.

    Evolution is scientifically proven and is still occuring today. In our own lifetime we have proof of evolution, we have fossil records detailing the now extinct ancestors of living creatures, we see knew varieties of plants and animals develop, we can see pests and germs that win the evolutionary race to develop resistance to pesticides and antiobiotics that previously would have killed them off.

    The flaw in all the arguments raised so far is this, it requires nothing more than faith or a belief to accept a creator who has always been there, BUT, it also requires nothing more than faith or a belief to accept a universe that has always been here that contained the right ingredients to start the process of life at some 'big bang' point in history.

    When you actually research the history and the very origin of the gods people serve today it opens your eyes to what you are inheriting, the fact that you may now belong to a monotheistic religion does not guarantee that it does not have its roots in polytheism, or that the very God you choose to believe in and defend ardently was one of many served by your forefathers.

    It is all food for thought and an individuals choice, but as repeated to you often throughout this thread you have to consider the depiction you personally are giving of so called christians.


  • nvrgnbk

    New nick for Vinny the Delusional:


  • sass_my_frass
    I wonder why chubby women wear tight pants that cause their muffin-top fatrolls to spill over like squeezed water balloons.

    I have also wondered this.

  • stevenyc

    vinny, the red corvette had an evolution, see here:

    So, we can say, that the red corvette evolved into what it is outside your house. It's very likley that a designer made it, but, the designer used evolution!


  • Vinny

    Loosened's turn:

    How all beginnings have a cause.

    and the heavens are the work of your hands.

    26 They will perish, but you remain;
    they will all wear out like a garment.
    Like clothing you will change them
    and they will be discarded.

    27 But you remain the same,
    and your years will never end.

    28 The children of your servants will live in your presence;
    their descendants will be established before you."

    A little baby can throw paint on a canvass. But look at a master's painting, and then you know without a doubt there was something special behind that work of art. Look at the more amazing earth with an array of wonderful things. Sunsets that make you shake your head. Food that is wonderful to smell and taste. Beautiful turquoise waters and a white sandy beach with coconut trees are an exquisite sight for me living in Hawaii. Mountains and valley and waterfalls and beautiful forests and flowers on and on... they reflect the hand of an amazing Supreme Artist. At least for me they do as well as 90 percent of the human population.

    All the universe is in amazing order. The human body is simply incredible. Cut youself and it can heal itself. Just get the food and enjoy eating it, the body does the rest for you by breaking it down and using it for living. Want kids? You know what to do. But then amazing things happen to make that little one into a human being. We love other people. We have a conscience. We all have some built in desire to search for and worship something. We speculate and contemplate many things many times.

    You say, it all happened to come together through some series of FAT CHANCES. Lot's of luck and accidents made all things just come together from nothing by nobody. (heh... I always laugh when atheists teach this...

    What kills all of the atheists arguments, is that scientific, intelligent forces cannot make ANY LIFE AT ALL out of dead matter.

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