The JW's are utterly dependent on the bible to impose bondage. The introductory studies follow a general outline of convincing the potential convert that God exists, and that God wrote the bible. Since God wrote it, it cannot be questioned. That's it, they've baited the hook. For the rest of their time together, the study leader takes the student through a series of selected scriptures to create a dense tangle of do's and don'ts.
I think it is this dependence on the bible that prevents Witnesses from making inroads in countries where the bible is NOT considered a divine instrument. So who primes un-Christianized nations for the Witnesses? Other Christian missionaries, of course!
I think a regular JW is hard-pressed to describe what is the essence of their faith. What rule, if broken, would mean they are not a JW anymore? The answer is, "all of them". This includes the prohibitions against smoking, meeting attendance, dress at the meetings, and so on. To break any jot or tiddle is to express rebellion against the "divine" plan. There is no sense, in the Witness community, of overriding principles that govern their steps. Hence the endless articles about what is acceptable and what is not. Pinatas are "in", Christmas Trees are "out". Hence the unbelievable cruelties where a mother spurns her son, just because he cannot follow all the dictates of the society. To turn away from natural love, in my opinion, is an abomination.
So how is my Christianity different? I believe it must be demonstrated by action, following the overriding principles I outlined above. The bible is a supplementary tool to my faith, not the foundation. I did not learn how to be a Christian from the bible primarily, but from other Christians. How do I justify such an independent interpretation, as an "imperfect human being?" I also believe I am devinely created with a mind that was meant to be used. I use it.
An introduction to Albert Schweitzers's philosophy: