Well, here comes a judicial committee

by drew sagan 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frank75

    Actually what Mr Flipper says above is true in some cases. In the end the recording will be useful mostly to you and your sanity. These things happen behind closed doors, in darkness for a reason. There is no Jurry!

    My brother fought his dfing quite ably, and although he was told they decided to df he requested an appeal and argued it over again. The appeal committee said they would df him as well, so he called the society and raised some noise about the way it was handled.

    There has not been an announcement to date some 6 months, however it is little consolation as he is still being shunned. Although the elders were possibly restrained from announcing the dfing, they were not restrained from whispering to everyone to stay away from him.

    One of the elders from his JC told a Witness who does business with my brother, that he was df'd. When he asked back, "So you have announced it from the platform?" He just quippoed back angrily that "He is DF'd end of story".

    So it is a legal game of semantics nowadays. The end result is always the same no matter what they call it or how it is done.


  • mavie

    Sounds like the 'good' elder might have his eyes opened after he observes how you are treated. You are handling this great Sagan.

  • lrkr

    If you really want to avoid DFing cancel the membership before the meeting with the 2. Say that their concern moved you to your senses and be done with the issue. Anything else carries a high risk of DFment. (You can rejoin later, just tell everyone to keep their trap shut.)

  • zack

    Drew Sagan:

    All the best to you. But take it from me, a former elder, a JC is formed when they (the elders) have already determined that a wrong has been committed. The

    JC only determines your "repentance", if any, and then what "discipline" to meet out. You have already been found guilty.

    I, for one, will NEVER attend this kangaroo meeting and will sue them, each and everyone, and make them sorry for ever screwing with me, if ever it comes to it. But that's just me. I am satisfied with never winning a penny in court and will gladly pay attorneys their fees to simply screw with them and take away their peace. I know for a fact the WTS DOES NOT stand behind them.

    Good luck to you.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Tell them that you and your wife tried to join the UN and they didn't have any openings, so you joined the YMCA instead.

  • changeling

    Drew: Take it from someone who was in a looong time, with close family members as elders: you are being quite naive. A meeting with 3 elders is a Judicial Commitee! The fact they haven't said so to you is a red flag in itself.

    The YMCA thing was a blessing for them. I assure you they've been hoping from something they could get you on. Now that they've got it, you're toast. Your comparison of joining the YMCA with the Society's association with the UN will fall on deaf ears.

    Your friend is either naive or playing "good cop" as others have pointed out. Either way, you're a gonner.

    Sorry to be so negative, but I spent a lifetime in their midst and I know all thier tricks. I just want you to know what you are up against.

    Take care...

  • nvrgnbk

    Don't go.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Drew, can you take your in-laws with you? I know it sounds childish, but, after all, its family. And families should stick together. If you have done something wrong, then the "family" needs to be there to support you, in your hour of joy, sadness,......

    Can family members come to a JC meeting??? Your in-laws surely have something to say.

  • Frank75

    Can family members come to a JC meeting??? Your in-laws surely have something to say.

    They are welcome according to a WT legal department document, but they will need to wait outside.

    Typical WT doublespeak.


  • Honesty

    Here's how it works:

    2 Elders = an investigative committtee to determine wrongdoing that has been reported to the Elders..

    3 Elders = Judicial Committtee to judge whether the wrongdoers are repentant enough to be reproved or unrepentant and need to be humiliated.

    It is a very effective way of keeping the sheep in the fold and making sure no one strays away.

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