Well, here comes a judicial committee

by drew sagan 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    The elders wanted to have a "meeting" with me a few years ago on Christmas day not because they knew I was doing Christmas but because I was hanging out with a disfellowshipped person.

    My plan was have my friend get dressed up as Santa Claus and go to the JC with me. While I met with the brothers he was gonna hand out candy canes. Then when the brothers said "we heard you were hanging out with Eric" I was going to completly deny it. Claim I didn't even know who Eric was (even though he had come in with me!)

    Unfortunately my wife called in a favor and wouldn't let me!

    If you check my old post you'll see what I ended up doing (I denied i was ever baptized, I mean how could they prove it?) So far it's worked well!

  • brinjen
    They supposedly joined the UN to get a library pass (we all know that is a lie) and you only joined the YMCA to go swimming..now.. where is the difference??

    Good point and one you should bring up (especially if you're recording) use the scripture Matt 8:7

    When they persisted in asking him, he straightened up and said to them: "Let the one of YOU that is sinless be the first to throw a stone at her."

    Good luck, give them hell!

  • nvrgnbk
    Tell them that you and your wife tried to join the UN and they didn't have any openings, so you joined the YMCA instead.


  • horrible life
    horrible life
    They are welcome according to a WT legal department document, but they will need to wait outside.

    This does not make any sense. LEGAL dept says no. How is 3 against 1, in any way fair? I should be able to have anybody I want to there. If I brought my lawyer, would he be able to stay?

    This is supposed to be a Biblical get-together, not a Legal one. I've had my share of JC meetings. Some deserved, others not. As I recall, no parents even were in mine, but I really wouldn't have wanted them there. But I would like to think, that if I had wanted them or anybody there, I could have.


  • ?me?

    drew, tell the elders from the beginning that you are going to "dictate" EVERY word said at the JC. so there is no confusion( knowing you have a recording). that would make the JC either long and agonizing, or very,very short. they take notes, why shouldn't you. me

  • done4good
    Don't go.

    Unfortunately, that won't work either. The elders are only required to make two attempts at contacting someone, (even voicemail counts). If someone "blows off" a commitee, they can, and ususally will be df'd in abstentia.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Thanks for all of you comments. Flipper made some excellent points regarding looking them in the face and calmly not backing down. I personally know another person who went through the same experience and said that it was something he did that was completely worth it. While the end result wasn't so good, they where not nearly as aggressive as they would have been on individuals that are more mild and quiet.

  • unique1

    I don't know about where you live but a lot of community centers in our area have accepted church donations to open. JW's use them all the time. What is the difference? Then again that may be blowing the whistle on others.

    GOOD LUCK!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes and I hope it is in your favor!

  • Mary

    Actually, I'm quite shocked.....I realized that they frowned upon someone joining the YMCA, but I didn't know they would DF you for it. If you want to avoid getting the axe, I would plead ignorance. Just tell them you thought it was a conscience decision, not a disfellowshipping offense. If Curly Larry and Moe want to play God and DF you anyway, I'd go out with both guns blazing: Write to every single person in your Hall and tell them what happened. I'd also download the information from the internet showing that the WTS was an NGO member for 10, supposedly to "use their library", but apparently you don't need any "membership" to actually use the UN's library, so why did they join? I'd also download the documents that shows the WTS has stock in Phillip Morris-----an extreme form of hypocrisy since they DF the R&F for smoking a product that they're making money on. I'd also do a Letter to the Editor of your local paper outlining the above.

    Stupid, dumb elders. Don't they realize that if they leave a person alone, they'll most likely cause far less damage than if they try and DF them?

    Keep us posted.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    Stupid, dumb elders. Don't they realize that if they leave a person alone, they'll most likely cause far less damage than if they try and DF them?

    My wife put it the best when she said 'They make leaders out of their best followers'. I think that basic statement really says a lot.

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