See post below
Well, here comes a judicial committee
by drew sagan 61 Replies latest jw friends
drew sagan
Thought I would give you all the latest on what is a very absurd situation.
As many of you know, some Elders stopped by a few weeks ago mainly for the purpose of getting us to answer two questions. One was if we ever plan on coming back to the hall, the other was an inquiry into our membership at the local YMCA. To find out how they even knew we became members there, read my wifes post on the story <a href=">.
I made sure to keep control of our discussion and basically stuck to the 607 issue. One Elder didn't care, but the other did and agreed to look at what I had found. This lead us to the events I discussed in <a href="> this post</a>
Many thought that my discussion with this Elder would prompt a judicial committee and would mean big trouble. This has been far from the case. The Elder I spoke with has now somewhat sided with me on the issues, and is trying his best to get some fair treatment. He's not convinced it isn't the truth, but can see that we are not getting very fair treatment and that bothers him.
So this past weekend he calls me saying that he and two other Elders want to meet with us. I said I didn't want to talk with the elders that will be there. He calls back and says that there was no luck in getting that changed and that I better show up. After talking with him I realized that the reason for this meeting is the YMCA issue, as well as some general concerns about me teaching others (apostasy). The elder then basically started working with me on a strategy that will get these guys to leave me alone, not that I think it will work but there are still a number of advantages to this anyway. He told me that if they start pushing the 'do you think the WTS is the faithful slave' question he will step in any state plainly 'that there appears to be many different evidences that challenge this point' and that we 'should wait on the society' to answer a letter he has sent regarding this topic. (!)
Personally I think they are going to move to disfellowship without cause. I actually plan on offering to give up my membership to the YMCA if that is what they want, but I feel they will not care if this offer is made.
I have heard many stories of people actually conceding to the Elders, but since it isn't a %100 concession they are df'ed. If this kind of action is taken against us we may see a switching of the light for some of the family we have in. This is mainly because my mother in law regrets going to the Elders about the YMCA and trying to get her daughter df'ed. If we are df'ed after we make concessions to the Elders I think the floodgates may break open on this one. I personally think that they will disfellowship us for joining the YMCA and then lie to my in-laws about us making concessions.
So we have to wait and see. Either the elders will take action in a manner that will be very discrediting, or they will accept the concessions and agree to wait for the society's response to the letter.
-Drew, of the 'riding the harlot' class -
darth frosty
Thats jacked up, good luck to you and yours. Its a shame that the R&F cannot see what goes on behind the closed doors. It is very far off from the 'love' and 'mercy' they claim.
Hmmmm....maybe you can say you joined the YMCA just for use of their facilities; similar to the NGO membership to use the library.
If its three elders, it's a commitee, and no matter what this "good guy" elder is telling you, a committee disfellowships by majority and the chairman of the committee is in charge and sets the tone. I would ask him why the need to meet with three elders? Then if the answer is a JC, ask him to put the request for the meeting in writing and the reasons for the committee in writing. Agree to nothing less if anything.
This is a no win situation. Ive never heard of elders conceding anything. Its all their way or the highway because they cant allow anybody to disagree...nope. It would look like they were condoning it and that cant happen. Im thinking this meeting might be a formality and that they decided already they are gonna can your booty. So you might as well show up and see what lies they are gonna be spreading about you eh? Find a way to record it.
I hope your family follows you out the door if they do!
Vernon Williams
Knowing what I know, now, if I was going into a judicial meeting like you, I would take in a bucket of water, throw it on the two Elders I did not like, and calmly set down like nothing happened.
I would tell them it is an object lesson. The water would be the water from the pool at the YMCA. I would tell them water is water, YMCA or not. See? You guys are just wet. It is just water.....
But that is me.
I do not always take the wisest course, however, usually, I get my point across.
Wishing you the best...your a wiser guy than me....
It says in the Elder's book very specifically that the purpose of the JC is to bring the person to repentance and that this may happen during the JC meeting.
So if you say you are sorry about the YMCA membership and say you are sorry - they would be remiss to DF you. Of course you HAVE to bring up the UN thing don't you? Tell them that if the Society can be an NGO for the purpose of a library card, you should be able to be part of the YMCA for the purpose of exercise. -
drew sagan
This is a no win situation. Ive never heard of elders conceding anything.
Exactly. But I forgot to mention that the good elder told my in laws that if we concede they will back off. I had a conversation with my father in law the other day in which he kept telling me 'just so was elder so and so told you and you'll be ok'.
Just going to have to wait and see what happens. -
drew sagan
So if you say you are sorry about the YMCA membership and say you are sorry - they would be remiss to DF you. Of course you HAVE to bring up the UN thing don't you? Tell them that if the Society can be an NGO for the purpose of a library card, you should be able to be part of the YMCA for the purpose of exercise.
Eaiser said than done. The 'library card' excuse was published in a letter to the elders if i'm not mistaken. To them even knowing their argument shows that i have been getting apostate information!