I'm sure most people would find it commendable, albeit a little odd, but just think about this: we would be saving lives. For real. Just talk as much as they would like and then move on. A minute or two of explaining that they need to beware of any religion that would demand familes and friends to shun you for asking questions is all most people would need to NEVER get involved. Just like service only anti-service. On special occasions not every week, then people would be apathetic. I came into the "truth" because someone came to my door. I wish someone had of been right behind them yelling "RUN, RUN LIKE THE WIND ! Give me a moment and I'll tell you why."
Would Any of You be Interested in going Door to Door?
by smellsgood 52 Replies latest jw friends
What you could do is find a street that JW's are working, then start at the far end of the street and meet them in the middle. That way every house past that point would be innoculated. That would really be fun.
Hi! Welcome to the board!
You read my mind. I was just thinking of such a thing earlier. To actually follow car groups out and just go to the doors that people talked to them. Say that before they read that magazine or started that Bible study perhaps we could just have a moment of their time.
smellsgood: Oooh, and then you can thank the JW's for their contribution in keeping the house to house method legal!! Wouldn't that just be a bee in their bonnet? If enough people were to go door to door de-ignorizing people, we might see the Watchtower pursuing legal avenues to assert that such a practice was unconstitutional and ought to be abolished at once!
"Assure the householder that we will be brief. Leave our own literature on top of theirs, out of sight of course so as not to draw attention to would- be robbers of "not at homes" Oh the joy of the "service is exhausting, we've already been out an hour" coffee break at Tim Horton's or McDonald's. We can wear whatever we like, I'll probably opt for jeans or shorts and a t-shirt with a slogan, maybe one from the Silent Lambs web-site. Now I've really got that pioneer spirit."
smellsgood: Yes! Girls can wear shorts, guys can wear beards, guns n' roses t-shirts are preferred over a starchy ill-fitting suit. No elders cautioning against you about the length of your skirt!
And, it WOULD be for many the first time perhaps they ever got excited about the prospect of door to door work!
I thought there would be other people out there wanting to do this. I think it would be fun! I've never gone door to door!
Thanks nvrgnback, I completely understand why you would never want to do something like door to door ever again! -
I wouldnt enjoy it if I was out by myself, but if we went in car groups and worked together, Im sure I would enjoy the company and the socialization. Plus we could share experiences, then meet for donuts at Krispy Kreme.
How many hours a month do I need to turn in so that you'll think I'm un-spiritual?
Jeeprube, 10 hours or your disfellowshipped, no make that no longer one of Jehovah's EX witnesses--LOL just kidding
Then do a flyer up outlining the inconsistencies, lies or cover up complete with references and drop them off in people's mailboxes. - Mary
My job involves some marketing and sales work, I know from experience that in the US at least, that is illegal. You cannot place unstamped material in a mailbox, doing so can result in being sent a bill from the post office at the very least, and charges/court/fines at worst. You CAN put things on people's doors, under their windshield wipers on cars, etc...but NEVER in the mailbox.
Exactly, that is illegal, dont leave anything in mailboxes, however what about those plastic newspaper boxes that fit right below mailboxes?
While this is a good idea in theory, in reality I don't think it's such a good idea. People get annoyed when the Witnesses come around and most people do not take the literature. Can you imagine if, two minutes after the Dubs' visit, they hear another knock at the door? Only this time it's to talk about the ones that just left. Not only would that come across as weird, it could almost be seen as 'stalking' and creepy. The householder would realize that you had been watching their house and they would not like that one bit. The whole thing would probably end up as a disaster.
smellsgood: I think that may be true. Of course, I would be delighted if I came across someone antiwitnessing after a visit from the witnesses, because I would know why they would feel strongly against the WT. Most people wouldn't. Plus, people are familiar enough with the Witnesses at their door that coming on their heels wouldn't be necessary. It is amusing to think about though.
If you want to go door to door, I would recommend the following: Obtain a copy of the latest WT & Awake ragazines---the ones that the Dubs will be placing at the door. Then do a flyer up outlining the inconsistencies, lies or cover up complete with references and drop them off in people's mailboxes. Don't even bother ringing the doorbell. That way, when the Witnesses show up, the householder would be more aware than before of some of the lies that they're being fed (that's assuming they even give a rat's ass about whats being written in these magazines).
smellsgood: I disagree with not ringing the doorbell, it makes information so much more compelling when it is personalized I believe. And conversations can lead places that just placing literature can't. If you tell your story and especially if you have personal experiences with shunning or the consequences of no blood transfusions or the covering up of sexual abuse, I think that would be powerful for the householder to know. I think thats the whole point of going door to door, the personal contact, and where it could shine the brightest.
Besides, I don't personally know how to get hold of present issues, and even if I did, I think the real gold nuggets are in their HISTORY. The false prophecies, the 607 date, people would love to hear about the rather juicy stuff probably. A little shock value wouldn't be out of order I don't think.
I think it would be important to maintain that it is a cult awareness, and even if it may be tempting to spread your other beliefs, I think it would be a good idea for it to become a proseltyzing for another belief or a disbelief. Remembering that most Americans for example believe in God, it might make the message of the danger of cults dilluted if someone were to come along and tear into that belief, or expound on their own personal beliefs they have now. -
Mary- you are way more logical than I can even pretend to be. You are right I suppose, I"M JUST SO FRICKING MAD RIGHT NOW .I want to destroy the Evil Empire, beat them at their own game. Thank you for reminding me to be sensible. This road I'm on is new to me. I'm going to lose my best friend and her husband just died. I really don't know how I'm going to be able to keep quiet now that my misgivings and suspicions have been validated. I don't want them to ruin any more lives.