Would Any of You be Interested in going Door to Door?

by smellsgood 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • smellsgood

    sKally, brilliant. You said it was effective for you, so your saying that people were receptive generally and didn't think you were the nuttiest nutter ever to...behave nuttilly?

  • Junction-Guy

    I dont think that people would necessarily think you are nutty, unless you showed up at their door looking really bizarre.

    It's all how you present yourself, and no you dont have to wear suits and ties, to me that is nutty. Just try to look average, middle class.

    I havent done any door to door here yet, but I do have some future plans to go door to door in Kentucky some day, alot of the people there know me anyway, so they would be inclined to listen.

    One of the women at a FreeWill Baptist church in Kentucky (not the usual one I attend) made a statement to me, she said "The Jehovah's Witnesses sure know their bible" I replied to her by saying "yes you are correct, they really do know THEIR bible, but THEIR bible is a perversion, not just another version" This gave me another opportunity to give an anti-witness, I so happily obliged.

  • blondie

    I'd rather advertise some kind of talk/seminar and invite people to come free of charge and have a couple of breakout sessions.

    I still hate door to door for any reason..........even environmental.


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