First of all, why don't all of you congratulate me on 2000 posts!
In other news, the JC is over. All the witches have been burned. Keep walking folks, nothing more to see here.
If you read my others posts, you can skip to 'The JC:' part below. The other stuff is just a recap of previous posts.
The Buildup:
We knew we where toast, but where very unsure about how the events would actually unfold. As a quick recap for those who don't know the situation, two elders came by a few weeks ago to 'know where we stand'. They had found out about our YMCA membership, and where there for an inquiry. They kept pushing me about doctrine, and I eventually gave up some info on 607. After elder-A realized that we would not be coming back to the WT any time soon, he go up and said 'fine then'. Elder-B though agreed to look at the 607 info. It ended up with him over our house at a later time, telling me that he had always had doubts and that I was right in feeling that the WTS had overstepped the scriptures.
This all leads up to the next series of events. Elder-B told me, my wife, and my in laws that he wanted me and my wife to be able to 'fade away'. He specifically stated to us 'i don't like the position (the WTS) has put you in', it's unfair. He went as far as to tell my in-laws he saw no problem with us 'fading away', and that many other people have done it. My father in law was very impressed with this, seeing it as an act of mercy by Elder-B and the other elders. He called us and said 'just do what the Elder-B said and you will be ok'.
The JC:
It was typical in content, and nothing more. We talked about the YMCA and eventually stated we would give up our membership. That part of the conversation was passed us. I knew they where angry because I challenged the reasoning but they let it go because we said we would comply.
It then became all about 'the faithful slave'. Elder-B had specifically promised to me that he would not allow the conversation to get onto this subject. It was time to see if he would be truthful to me and my family as I had optimistically hoped he would.
Elder-B quickly cowered before the other elders, and eventually started taking a strong stand against us. He made the situation much worse. Everything he had promised to us about guiding this committee was lies. I still believe that Elder-B was sincere when he came to our house and when he spoke with our in-laws, but the WTS was to strong (for now). He broke his promises, every last one.
While I was quite disappointed, I wasn't overly surprised. I adapted quickly to the situation. I realized what I needed to do at this point was to follow all the advice he had given me before, even the things that seem like where a set up. I was told by my father in law to do what Elder-B had said, and that is what I did. I tried my best to get the elders to allow us to fade. None of the elders allowed for it, especially elder-B.
So in the end my discussion with elder-b was probably the most important thing we did. Because of this we have an elder that lied to us and to my wife parents. He used my in-laws, lying to them simply to try and get us to comply.
We can only hope now that my wifes parents will react to the lies of Elder-B. We have a record of everything. They can hear for themselves Elder-B taking about how we are to be df'd if we don't start coming back to meetings. A direct lie to what he had promised.
So with a few twists and turns we are right where we expected, and possibly in a little better position. I was hopeful for Elder-B seeing the light, but now I'm glad he didn't. If he would have tried to help our situation my in-laws could say that is was just the other two elders who where unfair. But he lied to them. If they choose to believe them over us then that is their choice, we will not carry any guilt over it.
They decided not to df last night only because they are waiting back for a reply to the elders letter he sent to the society. We have decided that the best option is to disassociate on the basis that we where lied to. There will be no doctrines discussed in the letter we send. The letter will state that Elder-B gave us hope in the elder body and in the WT, but because of his lies and tricks we feel cheated and deceived. Further we will state that Elder-B has totally crushed whatever faith we had left in the elders by treating us so disrespectfully.
We can only hope my in-laws will feel the same way.
-Drew, of the 2000 posts and gone class So his promise of
JC is over... now the aftermath
by drew sagan 66 Replies latest jw friends
drew sagan
Congratulations on 2000 posts!!!!!!!
As for the JC, many of us knew it was a done deal. The JC is about POWER. They want to let you know they have it and you don't. The only sheep the WTS is interested in is the lamb chops they're treated to at Ruth's Chris.
I do hope your family sees that this religion is not about God or Christ or the Kingdom or righteousnes or love or ANYTHING other then perpetuating their printing business.
All the best you and your family.
So did elder-B bring up his conversations with you that you two had alone at your house? Sounds like he was scared/making points with the others. Scared because the other two had gotten very stern about the apostasy thing and elder-B realized anything less then bloodletting was going to put him in their sights as well.
They decided not to df last night only because they are waiting back for a reply to the elders letter he sent to the society. We have decided that the best option is to disassociate on the basis that we where lied to. There will be no doctrines discussed in the letter we send. The letter will state that Elder-B gave us hope in the elder body and in the WT, but because of his lies and tricks we feel cheated and deceived. Further we will state that Elder-B has totally crushed whatever faith we had left in the elders by treating us so disrespectfully. We can only hope my in-laws will feel the same way.
I'd try one last thing Drew: I'd phone Elder B, (make sure the conversation is recorded) and ask him point blank why he reneged on everything he had previously told you. I for one, would not DA. If they're going to DF you (and I'm pretty sure they will as few things make them more nervous than the whole 607 BCE date), I would make sure that I wrote a letter to every single person in the congregation outlining what happened, the evidence you have about 607 BCE and the unwillingness of any of the elders to even attempt to 'prove' that the Society is right. I'd include a copy of the tape so they can all hear it for themselves. It might make more than a few of them doubt that Jehovah would approve of these "loving shepperds" taking such a harsh stand that resembles the Pharisees' attitude, not Christs.
Lady Liberty
Dear Drew,
Congratulations on your 2000th post!!
Somehow I am not AT ALL suprised that that elder turned on you..they are all so stinking deceptive. They manipulate and out and out lie to get what they want. It was probably a set up all along. If he just didn't have the "balls" to stand up to the other elders, you would think he would not have made things worse. They only have one agenda, and that is to get rid of the rest of us.. we are far too dangerous and have learned far too many damaging things about the organization. I bet this will be a real eye opener to your in laws. Let's hope so!! We will be anxiously awaiting to hear what their reation was. I think you disassociation letter will be perfect for your situation! It would be a great plug if you could mention in your letter that it is sad that the watchtower can be a UN member for 10 YEARS and not be disfellowshipped, yet you have only been a new member to the YMCA and you agreeg to quit your membership, but you get no tollerance, and you will be df'd. I would state that you see absolutely NO difference! Anyhow..that is just a thought! They are such freaking hypocrites!!! GRRRRRRR!
Lady Liberty
I'm not sure I see the advantage of DAing? Wouldn't letting the body get their reply from the society and then DFing you show more to your in-laws? You can still write the letter, stating all that you mentioned about elder-B, without DAing.
When you say your in-laws can hear for themselves - do you mean you recorded it?
I would discuss this with your father-in-law as well and show him the letter you intend to submit. This way if he "hears" things about what you wrote he can compare it to what he knows you sent. -
Drew, You just confirmed my last post to you that the Elder's would go by the book, using theocractic warfare ( LYING ) if they have to, because that's what theocractic warfare involves. And the way they lied to me and my son to get us to appear at a judicial meeting is exactly what they did to you. It fits the flock book mold.
All the best to you and yours from here on out. Do what you think is best for your own personal circumstances. It's your life to live now, free from captivity.