JC is over... now the aftermath

by drew sagan 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • eclipse

    Congrats on your 2000 posts, Drew!

    Yes, I think he did chicken out in the JC.

    He was probably sincere but he realized that he would not be able to say ANYTHING against the GB,

    he was a force against you to alleviate the fear that they would attack him next.

    He was naive to think that he could defend you..being a young elder to the cult.

    I would write to the Congregation first, and then the elders. Let everyone know how it went down.

    Give a recording of the tape to everyone in your congregation.

    You did well!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Congratulations on reaching 2000 posts Drew

    As for the jc, no surprises there really. As a topic the other day said, "when the elders are out to get you, they will"

  • Flowerpetal

    Congrats on your 2000th post Drew!

    What an experience you had with the JC. Elder B is going to have to live with his conscience for the rest of his life. Hope he can look at himself in the mirror.

  • hammer1

    If you DA then you are giving them the power and confirming that they somehow represent God. The reason why the JC's wield such power is because we have ignorantly given it to them. They have no scriptural right to be bearing down on you as you are well aware.

    Give them your love as Christ commanded us to, but do not give them the power.

  • minimus

    2000 posts! WOW!

    Drew, I'm glad everything turned out the way it did for you because you know for sure how the "good elder" is nothing but a piece of manure.

    Suggestion: You and your inlaws should go on record stating that the elder lied. Insist on a JC for him since you can prove he's a liar. If the elders blow you off this will indicate that the whole thing was a sham, a set-up like many of us thought. Get him on tape admitting what he did for the best proof, then let any sympathizers know what they can hear.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    Give them your love as Christ commanded us to, but do not give them the power

    Could you explain in more detail what you mean? Right now at this moment they feel that I cannot be saved because of doctrinal issues, that I am just to stubborn. My DA letters purpose is to say that although I was frustrated with a lack of compassion on their part regarding Bible topics, my official reason for leaving is because of the dishonest actions

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Minimus, I'm going to do just that. Instead of giving into a DF, I'm going to insist that I was set up by elder-b, lied to, coerced, and treated disrespectfully.

    This will be the perfect way for me and my wife to gain the support of my in-laws.



  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I am just mad that they didn't df us on the spot. I want to be df'd. As long as I am considered as part of the congregation the elders have some authority over me; I have to play their games according to their rules. Their rules suck! Although Drew is happy with the outcome, I think it is the worst way it could have played out. They want to wait until elder B gets a reply to his letter from the society, and meet again. Doesn't that take like six months or something? I just want it to be over. I'm not sure I like the idea of DA-ing because it is an action taken on my part. I would be the guilty party of ripping apart the family. I'm stuck...for now.

  • minimus

    Amber, you can disassociate yourself without your husband if you want to. But once you're disassocated you'll be in the same situation as a df'd one. If you want to reach others in the Hall with what really happened, no one will listen or talk to you if you're dissed.

  • OnTheWayOut
    They want to wait until elder B gets a reply to his letter from the society, and meet again. Doesn't that take like six months or something?

    Not likely to take more than one month or two. It does kinda stink to do that to you, but live your life in the
    freedom you have now. In the worst case scenario, they make you wait until a C.O. visit to reply. (For some
    that is six months, but usually it doesn't take that long to reply.)

    Congrats on 2000 posts, Drew.

    While I agree with Mary, and others that DA is not the advised path, you do what you feel you need to do.
    It sounds like you may not DA now. Do what feels right. As I said in the other thread, I would continue to
    be a thorn in their side until I finished the appeal process, but that's me.

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