After reading through this link, the question I have is this: Just who is Bushby? There are so many discrediting remarks concerning him but a review of his books at Amazon all show positive responses from readers. Is he creditable or a fraud? Maybe even just a bit misguided? Who can shead some light on this subject?
by Terry 91 Replies latest watchtower bible
Here's a review of one of his earlier books -- from a Christian perspective, but the author did a good job of checking Bushby's sources (or the lack thereof):
I must admit that Bushby's stuff simply sounded too good to be true. I wish it were that simple. Maybe it's even simpler.
A long and short version of Mark is enough to tell me that these are not writings protected by some miraculous force.
The book of John obviously has two endings one of which seems to have been cut and pasted from Mark.
If the Bible in its current state were really "God's" unaltered word that would be enough reason to be an ahteist.
it becomes strangely reminiscent of the fascist theories of propaganda when we hear the most unexpected voices candidly saying, in effect: "The Bible is bad, so whatever is said against it is good."
With all due respect (and I mean that sincerely), please do not confuse what I am with the story in your mind. There may come a time when even the most amiable "unexpectedly" feel it necessary to push over a few tables.
after all, Narkissos, if nothing is real anyway....
"I applaud anyone with the courage to reveal the cancer of the ages; even if the basic information presented is not all correct, the fallacy of the Bible certainly is."
If you're correct about the fallacy of the bible (and I for one certainly believe that you are), then a person with even a whit of personal integrity will only use correct information (to the best of their knowledge) to point out that fallacy.
You do realize, don't you, that dishonesty IS the problem?
Master Six say: show a man religious error, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to reject fallacy and work for accuracy in all things, he'll die of disease caused by excessive consumption of rich foods.
I used to enjoy reading the nexus mag. The problem w it is that so much of it is just interesting conjecture, embroidered by some fairly intelligent, but too imaginative storyteller.
S, thinking back of terry's thread on learning how to think, or something like that. -
If you're correct about the fallacy of the bible (and I for one certainly believe that you are), then a person with even a whit of personal integrity will only use correct information (to the best of their knowledge) to point out that fallacy.
You do realize, don't you, that dishonesty IS the problem?
I hear you. However, I would not agree that dishonesty is the problem so much as unquestionably accepting the dishonesty. If a little dishonesty can motivate honest investigation, then the trickery is made moot, as the earnest investigations will reveal the facts. That an investigation was motivated to fruition, I feel is most important. In this case the end justifies the means.
I would not agree that dishonesty is the problem so much as unquestionably accepting the dishonesty. If a little dishonesty can motivate honest investigation, then the trickery is made moot, as the earnest investigations will reveal the facts. That an investigation was motivated to fruition, I feel is most important. In this case the end justifies the means.
It is a little like fasting. If you fast slow then all is well, but if you fast fast then you are in trouble.