Which JWD posters have Secret Superpowers???

by Kudra 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • SacrificialLoon

    If I said what they were then they wouldn't be SECRET superpowers now would they? Edit: ok, here's a few

    I too have the ability to detect minute amounts of UV radiation with my skin.

    I have the special power of ear modulation.

    I can also detect electromagnetic radiation between the frequencies of 4000-7000 angstroms with specially adapted organs.

    I can produce a myriad of liquids, and some solids.

    I can convert other living things into energy.

  • ninja

    I can make my neighbours do a funny dance by scraping my house key along their car side

  • Twitch

    I can turn interested women into ex girlfriends,...

  • loosie

    When having a conversation with a man, I can tell you what he is thinking by looking at his eyes.

    I can also touch my nose with my tongue

  • Warlock
    When having a conversation with a man, I can tell you what he is thinking by looking at his eyes.

    Okay, loosie, what am I thinking?


  • RichieRich

    I can also touch loosie's nose with my tongue.

    And I can pick up bar stools and gallons of milk with my earlobes.

  • loosie
    Okay, loosie, what am I thinking?

    lolI have to be looking at your eyes warlock.

  • juni
    When having a conversation with a man, I can tell you what he is thinking by looking at his eyes

    So true loosie! LOL

    It's against my religion to have special super powers.

    Sister Juni

  • OnTheWayOut
    I can keep going for over an hour without enhancement drugs such as Viagra

    That's what I call a super (staying) power.

  • OnTheWayOut
    When having a conversation with a man, I can tell you what he is thinking by looking at his eyes.

    Okay, loosie, what am I thinking?

    Just so you are clear, Warlock- Loosie is saying that she is such a knockout that when she is
    conversing with a man, she can tell you what [part or her anatomy] he is thinking about [seeing
    or touching or you know...] by looking at his eyes [glued on her anatomy].

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