Are UFO’s Fact or Fiction?

by The wanderer 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • LtCmd.Lore
    Last of all why after travelling this ridiculously huge distance would an alien then decide to land in a cornfield, abduct a dumbass redneck and abuse him anally?

    So after all that time and effort and resources and anal probes: All they could learn is that 1 out of 10 people don't seem to mind.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Why do they all prefer anal-probes? There are other available orifices to explore - they might be quite boring it seems to me.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Mariusuk:

    "Whenever you see the often blurry photographs of alleged ufo's have you noticed how they reflect Hollywood's version of what ufo's look like at the time?"-Mariusuk

    Yes, I agree, any field of research regardless of
    that field is going to have a certain amount of
    hoaxes, errors and inaccuracies.

    I can replicate those photographs with Adobe
    Photoshop myself.

    However, a certain amount of those photographs
    were before digital manipulation ever really
    got off of the ground (pun intended).

    Anyway, question the author of the site with
    your concerns I am sure he has had to encounter
    such questions.


    The Wanderer

  • Mariusuk.

    Erm The Wanderer


    I think

  • Abaddon

    Photographs could be manipulated WAY before digital technology; the techniques were different but the intention and effect was the same; deception.

    Consider this; there were a bunch of photos of FAIRIES that were declared to be genuine back in the 20's.

    So, I say UFO's might be U and F and O.

    People see them; therefore they are a fact. They REALLY REALLY are an Unidentified Flying Object.

    But that doesn't mean they are alien. Or anything else geee-whizzz, apart from a few occasions where people have 60'd the next generation of millitary aircraft in testing.

    A weather ballon can be a UFO. Like the one at Roswell (wait for the true believer to scoff at my credulity... wait for me to ask for decent evidence... wait for them to blame their inability to prove their beliefs on me, or some conspiracy). Sun dogs are another frequent cause of UFO sightings.

  • snarf

    Fact, For reasons I am not "allowed" to share at this time, cause if I do I will be reprogrammed.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Abaddon:

    I see your point and perspective on
    the matter and I agree on a good
    portion of what you state.

    Thank you for the insight, in
    particular about the "fairies"
    of the 1920's (LOL)

    By the way if you could share
    that link it would be appreciated.


    The Wanderer

  • Abaddon

    Here you go;

    Note the following from the article;

    Harold Snelling, a man considered an expert in fake photography in the early 1900's, said "these dancing figures are not made of paper nor any fabric; they are not painted on a photographic background—but what gets me most is that all these figures have moved during the exposure." However in the long exposure wind could have moved the fairies' wings or bodies if they were made of paper or fabric.

    I suggest you check as well.

    Check out this article on sun dogs too;



  • heathen

    LOL , yah these aliens are starting to sound alot like proctologists or urologists. I think alot of people do way too many drugs out there. I've had people tell me they saw a UFO but were in fact on LSD. UFO's are something I've ruled out as fact but I still believe in spirits .

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Abaddon:

    Thank you for the fairies, sundogs and ufo articles.
    This question may be irrelevant but I need to ask
    you anyway.

    My understanding about "fairies" in Ireland is that
    they are "evil" mythological creatures. However,
    in the United States "fairies" are supposed to
    be "good" creatures.

    How are they viewed in England?

    The reason I ask is because if they are viewed
    similarly as they are in Ireland, would this
    not send a "red flag" to the observer of the

    In other words, automatically debunk this as
    a hoax?

    I know this is a silly question to ask, however,
    I am looking at this from a standpoint of critical


    The Wanderer

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